SA-15 TOR-M1 9A331 SA-15 Gauntlet - Army Recognition
2024年12月22日 · The TOR-M1 9A331-1, NATO code designation SA-15 Gauntlet) is a mobile, integrated surface-to-air defense missile system designed and manufactured by the Russian Defence Industry.
SA-15导弹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
每套9K331车载系统是一整套运输、发射、雷达全功能单元(9A331),可以独立完成防空作战,也可集成入更大的防空系统协同作战。 车载8发垂直发射导弹,装在两部容器中,每部容器有4发导弹。 车载现代化的 相控阵 雷达,可跟踪24公里远处的空中目标,最大射程12公里,最小射程100-2000米(各种型号有差异),有效作战高度10-6000米。 9K331车载系统与 9K22通古斯卡 (俄语: Тунгуска)使用相同的GM-569履带式底盘,三名乘员分别是车长、系统操作员、驾 …
Tor missile system - Wikipedia
All three systems are mobile and self-propelled, Tor using the 9A330 combat vehicle, which carries a crew of four (one driver, three operators), and acts as an autonomous Transporter, Launcher, And Radar unit, or TLAR (similar to but not a TELAR, as it does not erect the missile to a launch position).
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network
It is designed to provide point defense and short-range air defense (SHORAD) for ground-based assets from rotary- and fixed-wing assets as well as precision-guided munitions. The combat vehicle...
2024年4月14日 · TOR-M1 9A331-1,北约代号SA-15 Gauntlet)是由俄罗斯国防工业设计和制造的移动式综合地对空防御导弹系统。 TOR-M1旨在有效防御部队,民用和工业设施免受当前和未来的空袭武器(主要是高精度武器)以及飞机,直升机,巡航导弹,制导航空炸弹和遥控车辆的攻击。
红旗17发射连整建制亮相,如何构建解放军野战防空最后盾牌 - 知乎
俄罗斯道尔防空系统 - 哔哩哔哩
2020年3月8日 · 它是俄罗斯主要的防空反导系统之一,与萨姆-10、萨姆-11防空导弹和通古斯卡弹炮一体防空系统共同构建了空域完备的防空拦截网,用于保护陆地作战部队和一些重要陆地目标免遭敌人空中打击。 1 概述. 苏联于20世纪70年代末开始论证道尔导弹,由著名的防空系统生产商金刚石-安泰公司生产,是世界上最先采用垂直发射方式的近程防空系统。 俄罗斯将其命名为TOP,它是北欧神话战神THOR的斯拉夫名字,发音类似道尔,所以汉语通常音译为道尔。 该系统正式 …
Tor-M1 | War Thunder Wiki
The Tor-M1 (GRAU: 9K331; NATO: SA-15 Gauntlet; commonly known in Chinese as 道尔-M1), or more precisely, the 9A331 launcher vehicle, was bought from Russia in the late 1990s by PLAGF and PLAAF air-defence units to fulfil the demand for a field air-defence system. It was later reverse-engineered and improved under the name HQ-17 (红旗-17).
9K330/9K331/9K332 Tor M/M1/M2 Self Propelled Air Defence …
The 9K331 Tor-M1 / SA-15 Gauntlet system, is a highly mobile rapid reaction SAM built to replace the Cold War era SA-8 Gecko system. Like the SA-8 Gecko, the Tor M1 TELAR is a fully self contained package, with a search radar, a monopulse tracking and engagement radar, and a magazine of Automatic Command to Line Of Sight guided missiles.
Tor-M2U Air Defence Missile System (ADMS) - Army Technology
2015年8月4日 · Tor-M2U short-range air defence missile system (ADMS) is a modernisation of the Tor-M2 missile system developed by JSC Izhevsk Electromechanical Plant Kupol, a part of …