99DOTS is a low-cost approach for monitoring and improving TB medication adherence. Using 99DOTS, each anti-TB blister pack is wrapped in a custom envelope, which includes hidden phone numbers that are visible only when doses are dispensed. 99DOTS patients receive a series of daily reminders (via SMS and automated calls).
99DOTS - Microsoft Research
2014年5月1日 · 99DOTS is a technology-enabled project focusing on medication adherence for anti-Tuberculosis drugs. Treatment programs wrap each anti-TB blister pack in a custom envelope, which hides phone numbers behind the medication. Patients can only see these hidden numbers after dispensing their pills.
99DOTS Deployments
99DOTS is a low-cost approach for monitoring and improving TB medication adherence. It can be utilized either as a supplement to existing DOTS programs, or to enable remote observation of doses administered by patients or their family members.
A pilot project: 99DOTS information communication technology …
99DOTS (Directly Observed Treatment, Short course) is a low-cost, mobile phone-based technology that enables real-time remote monitoring of daily intake of treatment, first introduced by the Revised National Tuberculosis Programme under the national programme in 2015 in high-burden antiretroviral therapy (ART) centers.
99DOTS | Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on ...
This paper describes 99DOTS, a low-cost approach for tracking adherence using a combination of paper packaging and low-end mobile phones. Every day, patients reveal an unpredictable phone number behind the pills and send a free call to that number to indicate that drugs were dispensed and taken.
99DOTS: low-cost monitoring and improving medication adherence ...
2015年5月26日 · 99DOTS is a new model of delivering tuberculosis medications that utilizes basic mobile phones and augmented blister packaging to provide real-time adherence monitoring without the burden of direct observation.
This paper describes 99DOTS, a low-cost approach for tracking adherence using a combination of paper packaging and low-end mobile phones. Every day, patients reveal an unpredictable phone number behind the pills and send a free call to that number to indicate that drugs were dispensed and taken.
The 99DOTS platform is designed as an open source toolkit, available for use and adaptation by any government or health care organization seeking a real-time, low-cost solution for monitoring and improving medication adherence. The 99DOTS packaging is a paper sleeve that slips over the TB blister pack.
99DOTS Global Access Policy
The 99DOTS toolkit is designed to empower patients, providers, and programs to support adherent behaviors, and includes: Open source access to the 99DOTS software platform; The designs of our envelopes and advice for how to print them; Access to all training materials used across our global deployments
【文献导读】用于结核病治疗监管的数字化依从性技术的阶梯设计 …
2022年1月17日 · 研究设计 在乌干达的18个卫生机构进行了1项基于99DOTS的结核病治疗监督策略的实用阶梯设计整群随机试验。 该试验采用重复的横断面设计,每1个月采集不同的结核病治疗患者。 所有卫生设施都从常规结核病治疗监督开始(对照期)。 随后,在6个月的时间内,每月3家卫生机构被随机切换到基于99DOTS的结核病治疗监督(干预期)。 根据患者就诊的机构和开始治疗的月份将患者分配到干预或对照期,当他们的医疗机构处于对照期时开始治疗的患者因 …