I have a temperature of 99.2 is that a fever or covid? - JustAnswer
Fortunately This is a normal temperature and you should not be concern, normal temperature in adults range from 97.6 to 99.6 ºF. Among patients with symptomatic COVID-19 , cough , body …
Why is Apple Charging Me $5.99? | Expert Answers on JustAnswer
May 26, 2020 · Customer: I am looking at my MAC I went to the latest version within the last 2 months Technician's Assistant: Anything else you want the Apple Expert to know before I …
Unauthorized $59.99 Charge from Infochc.co - What to Do?
Customer: I was charged 59.99 without my permission from infochc.co barcelona #431875135508 credit card Technician's Assistant: I understand you're frustrated about an unexpected charge …
Understanding the $4.99 Monthly Charge from Google and …
Customer: I have a monthly charge to Google for 4.99. Not sure what it is for. Not sure what it is for. Technician's Assistant: Have you made any recent changes to your payment info, or your …
How to Re-Subscribe to Hulu with $2.99 Promo Code | Expert …
I now want to subscribe to Hulu again. I tried to do this with an offer for $2.99 a month for 6months. I got a message that I already have an account under my same email, but I do not …
Why Did Microsoft Charge My Account $99.99 on Oct 10?
Would like to know why microsoft charged my account. 99.99. Oct 10 2024. Phone call
Resolve Issues with Twice-Taken Money on MyFitVOD - JustAnswer
Customer: I’ve had money taken from my account twice, $2.00 on April 4th and $49.99 on April 10th. I had a phone number that I reached a representative on, but misplaced it so I’m going …
Wondering what the procedure is for getting the 1.99 special I …
Customer: wondering what the procedure is for getting the 1.99 special I been seeing on tv and how long does it last Fox Nation subscription Technician's Assistant: OK. Thanks for the info. …
Why is Google Charging Me $9.99? Uncover Reasons & Solutions
Customer: Google is keep in charging $9.99 monthly but i didn’t subscribe anything and i dont find anything thst i subscribed. How can i stop them from charging me. How can i stop them from …
Is 99.4 Fahrenheit a low grade fever? I’m feeling whole body …
For a typical adult, body temperature can be anywhere from 97 F to 99. 99.4 temperature in an oral thermometer may indicate a very low-grade fever. The symptoms you have described of …