9.3x62 to 9.3x64 Brenneke Conversion
Nov 28, 2013 · The 9.3x64 cases have a bad habit of being unavailable from time to time.. Graff 9.3x62 cases are PMP cases and they are the best of brass, last longer than anything else I've tried..The cost the same as 30-06 cases.
9.3x62 vs 9.3x64 - Long Range Hunting Forum
May 14, 2005 · The 9.3x62 is virtually a necked up 30-06 and therefore comparatively simple to sort on a standard action. Does a change to 9.3x64 introduce a host of problems (not just in terms of the rifle itself, but also in terms of ammo and reloading eqpt availability.)
why not the 9.3 x 64 Brenneke? - 24hourcampfire
Oct 17, 2006 · Reloading this chambering seems quite easy. Is it a dead round? If it is so good of a round why don't we utilize it or shoot more of it here in the U....
375 Ruger or 9.3x64 Brenneke? Pros/cons - 24hourcampfire
Sep 9, 2010 · Here's my current big game rifle/cartridge line up: Winchester Model 70s: 1. 270 Win 2. 300 Win Mag 3. 375 H&H (Safari Expess, weighs ~10+ pounds!) 4....
9.3X62 or 9.3X64 Brenneke for africa? - 24hourcampfire
Dec 14, 2004 · I have an FN Mauser action, Jc Higgins 1950-ish in great shape. Not sure if I can make a 9.3X64 on this action, might be too small. Who would you have do the barrel and action work?
9.3x62 Does anyone shoot it? - Long Range Hunting Forum
Apr 7, 2019 · The 9.3z62 is a hard hitting round with relatively light recoil given the terminal performance it delivers. The 286 grain Orxy bullet is a great choice. A wide variety of guns are available in Canada in 9.3x57, 9.3x62 and 9.3x64 often called the Brenekee version and the 9.3x74 in double and combination guns.
9.3x64 Brenneke Case (wildcatting) - 24hourcampfire
May 13, 2010 · I spent about an hour last night with the search function trying to find if anyone had done any wildcatting with the 9.3 Brenneke case. I found nada. Has anyone necked up/down this case or done anything special with it? Looks like the case capacities would be …
9.3 Wildcat options - 24hourcampfire
Jun 16, 2008 · First off, I know very little about wildcatting cartriges and such, although I reload quite a bit. I really like my 9.3X62 and have noticed that there hasn't been a wildcat that gets a lot more velocity in 9.3 like those for the 375 (atleast one that I could find)I was wondering if a 9.3 R...
375 Ruger or 9.3x64 Brenneke? Pros/cons - 24hourcampfire
Sep 9, 2010 · The 375 Ruger! More power, is extremely accurate, is flatter shooting and you have the luxury, if you ever choose to, to shorten the barrel down a little from your 23" down to 20" (more handier), while still equaling and surpassing 375 H&H ballistics from its lon...
9.3x62 for North America - Long Range Hunting Forum
Dec 2, 2013 · 9.3 x 62 Journal 3rd Edition (Latest) The list of contributors to the 9.3 Journal, reads like an All-Star movie cast. Larry Schuknecht introduces us to Herr Bock and cartridge guru and author of several books and countless magazine articles, …