Client Match, 802.11k, and 802.11v | Wireless Access - Airheads …
Sep 18, 2014 · Here's my own personal cheat sheet: 802.11r = "fast roaming" (does handshake in advance, before switching.) 802.11k = "APs tell clients best AP" (If 1 AP has full signal strength but 50 clients connected, and another AP has 40% signal strength but 0 clients connected, it'll steer the client to the 40% signal strength AP.)
802.11k, v, r | Wireless Access - Airheads Community
ClientMatch takes advantage of the 802.11k capabilities but need to be careful when enabling 802.11r which is not supported by most devices , Apple devices do support 802.11r 3. RE: 802.11k, v, r
Configuring 802.11k parameters in InstantOS | Controllerless …
May 7, 2019 · Downloaded Config for WIFI 0 VAP 0 ----- Item Value ---- ----- Advertise 802.11k Capability Enabled Measurement Mode for Beacon Reports active-ch-rpt Channel for Beacon Requests in 5GHz band 36 Channel for Beacon Requests in 2.4GHz band 1 Channel for AP Channel Reports in 5GHz band 36 Channel for AP Channel Reports in 2.4GHz band 1 Time ...
Controller Based WLANs - Airheads Community
802.11k is intended to improve the way traffic is distributed within a network. In a wireless LAN, each device normally connects to the AP that provides the strongest signal. Depending on the number and geographic locations of the subscribers, this arrangement can lead to excessive demand on one AP and under-utilization of others, which results ...
PMKID caching, OKC, 802.11r, and 802.11k | Wireless Access
Sep 16, 2014 · EDIT: The 802.11k forum post mentions that the problematic clients were IOS devices running lower than version 4.3, so maybe these days it would be OK to turn that feature on. 4. RE: PMKID caching, OKC, 802.11r, and 802.11k
802.11k | Wireless Access - Airheads Community
Aug 27, 2015 · I'm interested in understanding if Aruba's implementation of 802.11k is supported in multiple controller environments. Essentially the scenario is: client A is associated to AP1 on controller1 and moving into an area serviced by AP2 on controller2.
802.11k/r/v help | Wireless Access - Airheads Community
After reading through the RF recomended settings by aruba yesterday I had enabled profiles on our 4030 controller for 802.11r. We are already using 802.11k on our campus site and on our sites that we have RAPs. The RAPs are provisioned to a public IP and then our ASA NATs this to the IP of our controller on site.
How to enable 802.11v - BSS Transition Management on controller ...
Aug 13, 2014 · associated to a Virtual-AP profile. For more details on enabling 802.11k profile, see Enabling 802.11k Support on. page 377. Interaction between 802.11k and 802.11v clients . For 802.11k capable clients, the client management framework uses the actual beacon report generated by the client. in response to a beacon report request sent by the AP.
802.11k | Wireless Access - Airheads Community
Aug 30, 2018 · Hello. When I enable 802.11k, 802.11r and 802.11v my APs starts to reload every 2-5 minutes with "Reboot caused by kernel page fault at virtual address 00040004
Quiet IE - Can it be disabled? | Wireless Access - Airheads …
Sep 27, 2017 · If you must run 802.11k, you must disable quietIE otherwise Intel Chipsets will not work. I have not personally observed any other issues with devices that can run 802.11k with quiet IE disabled.