80 Meter Antenna Projects : Antenna projects for 80 meters band
2025年2月18日 · Build a space efficient trapped dipole antenna for 40-80-160 meter bands using RG-58 and PVC pipe. The document provides a brief guide on building a compact dipole antenna appropriate for the 40, 80, and 160-meter amateur radio bands.
Make a 80 metre end fed antenna - Amateur radio tips and how …
Learn how to make a 80 metre end fed antenna to reduce the size of your HF antenna designs.
The Ultimate 80 meter ham radio antenna
2023年3月22日 · Best features of the Skyloop (aka sky wire antenna): Extremely quiet despite local sources of noise. Extremely well-suited to weak signal work. Relatively cheap versus its outstanding performance. Easily set up for groundwave or NVIS. The full wave loop antenna is …
80 METER ALL BAND LOOP - "I LOVE MY LOOP" BY KL7JR - hamuniverse.com
What I found to be so appealing about this antenna was that it was fairly economical and easy to build and install, works on all HF bands and requires no special feed networks, only a transmatch, coax and some space! Length of a full-wave 80-meter loop is about 270 feet long (1005 divided by frequency in MHz) or about 67 feet per side.
Building an off-center fed (OCF) Dipole - K4LRG
This type of antenna is a popular antenna design as the performance is very good across the HF bands and requires little or no tuning. It’s a dipole fed off center with a 4:1 balun at the offset feed point. The antenna shown covers 80, 40, 20 and 10 meters.
Wideband Dipole Antenna for 80m - Ham Radio . Magnum …
2013年4月3日 · Optimize antenna for use in a particular Amateur Radio Contest called the Virginia QSO Party. Modify existing 80m dipole to cover entire 500 kHz width of the band. Ensure it works in the Inverted V configuration. It’s Monday (March 11) and this needs to be done by Friday (March 15). Keep costs below $100.
2024年4月10日 · 40 meter horizontal Delta Loop Antenna Patterns and Comparison of 80-10 meter Delta Loop to Square loop antenna patterns
80 Meter Antenna Projects : Antenna projects for 80 meters band
2025年2月18日 · A self supporting vertical antenna for 80 meters by W9OY include pictures and construction details ...
80 Meter Doublet Antenna Construction by: M. G. Salak, KC9Q Figure 1. Figure 1 shows the basic doublet antenna design using 450 ohm ladder line to a remote 4:1 Current Balun; a short coax jumper to go into the house (shack); then connecting to an antenna tuner. The
A Dipole that Covers the Entire 80 Meter Band ... - Kg3v Ham …
2020年12月23日 · It is simple and gives you access to the entire 80 meter Band with an SWR that is easily handled with most modern rigs and external antenna tuners. I have been meaning to upload SWR curves for this project. Here they are. First is the 80 meter dipole with just a …
80-Meter Doublet | KV5R.COM
2019年2月11日 · If your main interest is DX, the 80 meter doublet is not a good DX antenna. You should consider a multi-band vertical on that 7th floor roof, if roof is large enough to lay out several quarter-wave radials. Another good choice might be the Cobweb antenna, which is small, horizontal, omni-directional, without nulls.
Wideband 80m Dipole - Practical Antennas
In IARU Region 2, the 80m band extends from 3.5 MHz to 4 MHz. Building a dipole that covers more than about 200 kHz of the band with a low SWR requires some different techniques than we might use on other bands. This antenna covers the whole range at less than 1.5 : 1 SWR (depending on the height above ground).
Economy End Fed 80, 40, 20, and 15 Meter Antenna by K0DTQ - hamuniverse.com
Build an econony end fed antenna for 80, 40, 20 and 15 Meters. Easy to build and for use without a tuner!
"KL7JR Sloping Vertical Delta Loop 80-6 Meters"
2014年8月1日 · "KL7JR Sloping Vertical Delta Loop 80-6 Meters" Imagine 9 bands on one wire antenna! I like loops. I'm amazed at how a "shorted-out antenna" can even work at all more or less so well! My favorite vertical loop for portable and fixed use is described below. (Ref. 1). I had great results with it from Alaska and the Yukon on my portable outings!
Making an 80-meter vertical antenna - Akademisk Radioklubb
2021年12月9日 · One of the antenna projects that we completed recently is a loaded shortened quarter-wave vertical 80-meter antenna, intended for use on our portable radio trips. LB5DH and LB9WI preparing a radial, just 15 more to go! The plan was the following: An antenna mast of 12-meters gives us a resonant frequency too high for the 80-meter band.
HB9AMO - 80m/160m vertical antenna
Dual band vertical antenna for 80 meter and 160 meter. Because of the limited space available in my property, the only possibility to have a 80 meters and 160 meters antenna is to install a vertical.
The 80 Meter Loop Antenna - ON THE SQUID
2025年2月27日 · The 80 meter loop is the antenna I would recommend to any amateur radio operator for the low bands. I have constructed several HF antennas by now, and I am starting to develop some practical knowledge about the topic. I am still in the learning process myself. What do I like about the 80 meter loop? I like everything about it.
A short 80m antenna for my lot - KB6NU
2014年9月5日 · End-fed, half-wave (EFHW) antenna. My EFHW 20m antenna is a decent performer, so I’m thinking that an 80m version could be an option. Googling around, I found a commercial design for $75 and a homebrew design that I could make for a lot less.
80 meter wire antenna - BillingPros
How to build a mono band 80 meter 1/2 wave wire antenna. I decided to build a 80 meter, half wave wire antenna that takes full advantage of the phone portion of the band known as 75 meters, also this antenna will not need a tuner.
The frame antenna may not be the most efficient but it can get you QRV on 80 and is ideal for boats and holidays. The VSWR is almost 1:1 from 3.5 to 3.8 MHz. The antenna may be modified for 1.8 MHz but the efficiency may suffer.
New Product Spotlight: REZ Antenna - onallbands.com
2025年2月27日 · *Extended, the Z17 is a full 1/4 wave on 20 meters. To achieve resonance on higher bands simply collapse the sections, or to work the lower bands (80-40M) pair this whip with a Ranger 80 HF Tuning Coil Assembly (not included). The REZ SCOUT Mounting Base and FlexPack Antenna Bag are also sold separately.