7mm wsm - Long Range Hunting Forum
2018年11月29日 · I've owned a few custom rifles in 7WSM and recently had one rebarreled. The cartridge is capable of exceptional accuracy and produces impressive ballistics in a short action format. The 7WSM has a moderate level of recoil and doesn't need a brake; a big plus for a hunting rifle. The only issue with the 7WSM is brass availability.
7mm WSM powders - Long Range Hunting Forum
2024年11月16日 · Currently using H1000 in mine but have tried StaballHD and RL26 with decent results as well, shooting 180eldm's with a long throated 7wsm out to 3.16 coal. With a standard 7wsm you wont be able to run as long of bullets well with how much case protrusion is would have inward. but something in the 160 range should work with the same powders.
7WSM conversion - Long Range Hunting Forum
2021年9月13日 · I love the 7wsm. I understand the brass issue. So I'm also going with a 270 or 300/7mm and lm building soon. Have the reamer and gauges. Winchester brass is not that bad and it's pretty easy to find. On a recent podcast with Ryan Avery and Ryan furman discuss the wsm case at great length. He has has great luck simply sorting Winchester brass.
7wsm rebarrel | Long Range Hunting Forum
2025年2月9日 · Have a 7wsm that the barrel is about shot out and wanting to rebarrel to a 6.5saum but didn't know if that would work well. Really interested in any other chamberings that would work well or if anyone has a favorite in the short mag chambering. This is the only short mag I have so very limited knowledge on them any help appreciated
Will the 7prc outrun the 7wsm? | Long Range Hunting Forum
2010年10月15日 · In my 25" Bartlein 7WSM I had no problem getting 3,000 fts with a Berger 175 Elite Hunter with IMR7828 - RE26 - Retumbo. I'm not sure how much faster the 7PRC will get in a similar length bbl. I guess we'll all know soon enough.
Case& barrel life of 300 WSM vs. 7WSM - Long Range Hunting …
2011年5月7日 · I also have a 270wsm and bought norma brass, have not had any trouble with spilt case necks and I know I am at pretty high pressure I have shot each brass 5 times with no issues ,I bought some winchester brass for my sons 7wsm and was inspecting brass before neck turning and had 15 brass out of 50 that the necks already had a small split so I ...
Long Range Rifles, LLC - 7WSM Rifle Review
2011年7月5日 · The choice of calibers reflect Len's experience, clear thinking, and LongRangeHunting.com forum member poll results. By all accounts, the 6.5x284, 7WSM, 7 Dakota, 300 Ultra, 300 WSM, and the 338 Edge are scary accurate and easy to load for. Even better, the homework has all been done, with proven recipes and load data readily available.
Bullet for 7wsm for deer hunting. | Long Range Hunting Forum
2015年7月30日 · The 7WSM has the best combination of exterior ballistics and terminal ballistics when loaded with VLD type bullets. If you're in something thick you can shoot big long heavy constructed bullets and punch vitals even on the worst angles. IMO there is absolutely nothing a 7wsm doesn't do well. The best short action magnum by far IMO
7 SAUM or 7 WSM? - Long Range Hunting Forum
2017年8月10日 · Building my first custom and can't decide between the two? Feel like I'm giving up a little if I go with the SAUM and leaning towards the WSM. 175/180 class of bullets out of a 28 inch tube, want to be running 2900-3000fps. 90% of …
7wsm bertram brass - Long Range Hunting Forum
2019年2月14日 · A new 7WSM shooter should probably just grab a hundred rounds of factory ammo (occasionally on sale) and break the barrel in. That should give you enough brass to go 500-600 rounds, at least. I recently built a 30Nosler.