How to PROPERLY rebuild a 7mgte by KMP - Supramania
Mar 27, 2015 · This is the FIRST MAIN problem with the 7mgte oiling system. If the cooler valve open at 50-60 psi it does 2 supid things, it makes oil very long to heat up because when cold oil pressure is high and the oil always flow through the cooler. the second thing is it prevent the engine from reaching it SUPPOSED operating oil pressure.
7MGTE Ignitor Operation & Alternative Ignition Coils
Dec 30, 2013 · Stock 7mgte coil: View attachment ddddddd2.bmp Charge time is between 2.9-3.1ms but fluctuates a bit depending on temp. View attachment NewFile2.bmp charging ramp/curve. 100mv = 1amp. Yellow = current Blue= voltage View attachment NewFile3.bmp burn time at idle. IS300 coil: View attachment cccccccc.bmp Charge time is rather stable at 3.1-3.2ms
ATTN Experts, builders, owners of 7MGTE! - Supramania
Jul 1, 2014 · 2. Yes there are two 90 degree hoses on the 7mgte. replace both. 3. post 89 motor mounts 4. Unknown to me. i just tighten them down tight. haven't had a problem. bolt your motor mounts to those brackets. Yes & No. I've never lubed the turbo mounting bolts & its been fine. have to be specific on what your working on.
+7M-GTE Engine removal in 49 easy steps. | Supramania
Apr 5, 2005 · w00t! Good thing I logged on. We're pulling my friends sometime this weekend of not next. He blew the clutch and decided instead of replacing it, he's just gonna give me the engine, tranny, harness, etc..
ecu master digital tuner 3 on 7MGTE | Page 2 | Supramania
Oct 23, 2013 · I posted the 7mgte wiring on page 1 post #4 . I can give you the set up if you need no problem. dude can you share some information like the setings and wiring, i want to buy it :D tks and your time and full support regards. carlos
7mgte lex 550 lean under boost - Supramania
Dec 16, 2012 · ^D.J.T the 7MGTE has a low impedance circuit. You can use high impedance injectors in a low impedance circuit. No problem. I removed the resistor pack to be sure it would be perfect, but you really don't have to do that. Low or high imp injectors in a 7MGTE, both will work. @topicstarter: Get the injectors flow tested as said in post #13.
7mgte and 7mge distributor - Supramania
May 25, 2015 · Hey I am getting a toyota supra with 7mge in it I have a 7mgte supra engine that needs a new head and some other parts. The supra I am getting is an 89 automatic 7mge engine. I have a 1988 7mgte 5-speed. i was wondering if i could use the 7mge head and put it on the 7mgte? i looked it up and...
7MGTE--#--SAFC2. Wiring guide and Question Thread
Apr 1, 2014 · Now that you see we have a KARMAN type sensor, this is a general guide showing what COLOR wire (from the SAFC2) attaches to what NAMED wire, in our 1989 7MGTE car. Take special note of the Airflow input and output wires. ALSO see the ground wires. The brown wire MUST be closer to the ECU than the black to read voltage. Space them no closer than ...
7MGTE Oil pressure system. - Supramania
Jan 19, 2018 · Yes i have tried read the forum but not found the answer i search. Currently i have a good oil pressure about 55 psi at 3k rpm, 25 psi idle (both at hot temp). New DM modified oil pump with AZ hardpipe, shimmed the oil pump aswell. But …
Removing multiplex from 7MGTE for less than $200 | Supramania
Jul 6, 2009 · I have a built 7MGTE swapped into a Mk2 supra, and had been running on the stock computer/electronics adapted to work in the A60 chassis (with everything including the twin speed pump control and a tach adapter to use the 7MGTE tach signal with the mk2 tach installed). A few weeks ago I took the plunge and installed the AEM EMS.