6mm ARC Load Data | Sniper's Hide Forum
2021年2月16日 · Figured I’d start a thread for the 6mm ARC. Here’s what I have for now. 26” McGowan 1:7” 0.086” gas port, Odinworks adjustable gas block, JP BCG Using 0.350” insert Hornady comparator’s headspace 1.183” Sized 6.5 Grendel Virgin Starline brass headspace 1.187” Fired cases headspace 1.191”...
6 ARC load data | Sniper's Hide Forum
2022年3月2日 · Running a 20in BA 1:7 twist AR Gas Gun. Went lurking on the internet, for load data for 108gr Berger VLD projectiles using Accurate 2460. Anyone have any load data or know where i can find SAFE data using 2460. Im fairly new to reloading, so im not comfortable yet with using experimental data.
6mm ARC Bolt Gun Loadings | Sniper's Hide Forum
2011年5月9日 · I have finished a 6mm ARC bolt action, and there's not a whole lot of data out. . Been fooling with the 6 arc in first a 18 inch and then a 22 in semi for the last year, so I have some baseline and experience with loading the cartridge. Did a shake down was with 10 rounds factory 108 eldm, and...
6mm ARC loads with Temp Stable Powders | Sniper's Hide Forum
2017年3月3日 · 6mm ARC, Berger 105 BT Target, 29.0 gn 2520 ** (essentially same results w/ 105 Hybrids) 24" Bartlein Barrel AR15 Series 24 Shots: 5 Min 2735 Max 2746 Avg 2739 S-D 4.8 ES 11 ** Note that 29.0 is well within Accurate/Hodgdon limits but slightly exceeds Hornady 'semi' load data. Don't assume this is OK in your AR.
TAKE AIM AT RIFLE RELOADING DATA CARTRIDGE 6 M M A RC Case:Hornady Twist:1:7.500" Primer:Federal 205M Small Rie Match Barrel Length:24.000" Trim Length:1.480" BULLET WEIGHT 100 GR. NOS PART Starting Loads Maximum Loads ManufacturerPowder Bullet Diam. C.O.L Grs. Vel. (ft/s) Pressure Grs. Vel. (ft/s) Pressure Hodgdon CFE 223 Buy …
H4895 in 6mm ARC | Sniper's Hide Forum
2021年2月9日 · I’m in the process of gathering the required components to load for the 6 mm ARC . I have a heap of H4895 and I’m struggling to find advice on what projectile weight would be best paired with the H4895 . I realise that other powders are “ better “ in the ARC , but would like to use H4895 if possible. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
6mm ARC (Bolt Action) | Sniper's Hide Forum
2023年4月22日 · Wanted to make this thread for a sticky post for the load data, for those who are shooting a bolt-action 6mm ARC. @Lowlight *** In case someone else reads this in the future, DO NOT use bolt-gun load data in a gas gun. Bolt guns can handle a lot more pressure. *** Loaded up my first round of...
6mm arc loads | Sniper's Hide Forum
2020年9月29日 · Has anyone here done much load development on the 6mm arc yet? I'm going to start working something up soon for a 14.5"" Ar I built and I'm curious what the best powder choice is going to be. I have some varget around and It seems to be a little bit slower powder for this but still may be...
6mm ARC - Practical Reloading | Page 4 - Shooters' Forum
2020年7月4日 · The most important thing that today validates for me is that the 6mm ARC really is a 1000+ yard cartridge than can be fired from a relatively lightweight AR-15 platform with all the qualities you'd want of easy of carry, low recoil, high reliability and …
6 ARC and 6.5 Staball | Sniper's Hide Forum
2023年11月8日 · StaBall 6.5 is WAAAY too slow for 6mm ARC. You will never get enough powder in that case to get decent velocities. StaBall 6.5 is only one step away from Reloder 19. I'm running pretty much compressed loads of LeverEvolution with 115 Nosler RDF's in Hornady brass and getting good velocities. I would go with Lever or CFE223.