- Motorola 68000
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Motorola 68000 - Wikipedia
The Motorola 68000 (sometimes shortened to Motorola 68k or m68k and usually pronounced "sixty-eight-thousand") is a 16/32-bit complex instruction set computer (CISC) microprocessor, introduced in 1979 by Motorola Semiconductor Products Sector. The design implements a 32-bit instruction set, with 32-bit … 展开
Motorola's first widely produced microprocessor was the 6800, introduced in early 1974 and available in quantity late that year. The company set itself the goal of selling 25,000 units by … 展开IBM considered the 68000 for the IBM PC but chose the Intel 8088; however, IBM Instruments briefly sold the 68000-based IBM System 9000 laboratory … 展开
Address bus
The 68000 has a 24-bit external address bus and two byte-select signals "replaced" A0. These 24 lines can … 展开In 1982, the 68000 received a minor update to its instruction set architecture (ISA) to support virtual memory and to conform to the Popek and Goldberg virtualization requirements. The updated chip is called the 68010. It also adds a new "loop mode" which … 展开
The standard addressing modes are:
• Register direct
• Register indirect
• PC (program counter) relative with displacement
• Absolute memory location 展开CC-BY-SA 许可证中的维基百科文本 Motorola 68000 series - Wikipedia
The Motorola 68000 series (also known as 680x0, m68000, m68k, or 68k) is a family of 32-bit complex instruction set computer (CISC) microprocessors. During the 1980s and early 1990s, they were popular in personal computers and workstations and were the primary competitors of Intel's x86 microprocessors. They were best known as the processors used in the early Apple Macintosh, the Sharp X68000, the Commodore Amiga, the Sinclair QL, the Atari ST and Falcon, the Atari Jaguar, …
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摩托罗拉68000 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
摩托罗拉68000型中央处理器,或称MC68000,680x0,m68000,m68k,68k;是由美国摩托罗拉公司(Motorola)的半导体部门(现已独立成为飞思卡尔公司(Freescale))出品的一 …
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这块驱动了2D游戏黄金时代的芯片,今年40岁了 - 游研社
2019年2月9日 · 说起摩托罗拉68000(简称68k),现在的玩家们已经比较陌生了。但是实际上,国内最热门的几款经典街机游戏,比如《街霸ii》《拳皇97》和《打击者1945》,它们使用的街机基板都是围绕这款cpu芯片打造的。 是你
68K - 百度百科
直至今日,68K仍是许多工业控制和 嵌入式系统 的首选处理器工作平台。68K系列最新的后续产品有飞思卡尔Freescale半导体的Coldfire和Dragonball系列。 68K系列最新的后续产品有飞思卡尔Freescale半导体的Coldfire和Dragonball系列。
摩托罗拉68000 - 华文百科
摩托罗拉68000 (有时缩短为摩托罗拉68K或M68K ,通常被发音为“ 68千”)是16/32位的复杂指令套装计算机(CISC)微处理器,该计算机(CISC)微处理器由Motorola Semiconductor产品部门于1979年推出。
[转译][马基 杰斯特(MarkeyJester) 摩托罗拉68000 入门教程] 零 - 序 …
2020年2月10日 · 正如我们熟知的Intel 8086 一样,m68k 也是一款经典cpu,大量用于街机游戏如Capcom 的街头霸王系列,Igs 的三国战纪系列等等 原作者说明本教程并不完整,但足够作为学 …
摩托罗拉68000型中央处理器,或 …
2023年11月10日 · 许多Unix系统也开始使用68K系列CPU。 在80年代中期,68000又成为首先应用于个人/家庭计算机的CPU。 先后有苹果的 Apple Lisa 与 麥金塔 (Macintosh 128K) …
几款早期68k PowerBook,对比桌面Macintosh的跑分测试 - 知乎
68030和68040是摩托罗拉68k处理器家族的末期产品,cisc设计。 最快的68030运行在33MHz上,它只能配合外置FPU。 68040系列家族相比68030,对内部缓存进行了极大的改进,完整 …
Motorola 68000 microprocessor family - CPU世界
2024年7月1日 · Toshiba microprocessors from TLCS-68000 family were fully compatible with Motorola M68000 devices. Toshiba manufactured both NMOS and CMOS processors in a variety of packages, including DIP, shrink DIP, …
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