460 S&W Rifle Loads - Long Range Hunting Forum
2012年2月14日 · My brother has one of the x-frame 460 s&w pistols with the 8'ish inch barrel and he's running a re-swaged hardcast 405 grain (knocked down from .458" to .452") pushed by a …
460 S&W rifle - Long Range Hunting Forum
2020年3月20日 · After building a bolt action 460 S&W with a 22" barrel and finding that the cartridge has more potential, I decided on a 26" barrel in a TC Encore to save overall length. …
460 s&w - Long Range Hunting Forum
2017年2月20日 · I Recently purchased a 460 S&W and was looking for the optimum (Not the heaviest) bullet weight for hunting. The big revolver will push a 300 grain XTP MAG over 2,000 …
460 S&W Rifle loads - Long Range Hunting Forum
2017年5月2日 · I looked at rifle powders and the case does not have enough case capacity to bring the pressure up to 55,000 psi (460 SAMMI pressure). Factory 200 grain pistol loads …
.460 S&W Mag in a bolt action rifle? - Long Range Hunting Forum
2015年5月5日 · They have very nice bolt action rifles based on the Remington 700 action that shoot both the 450 Bushmaster and 460 S&W Mag Improved (which I believe is a 45 Raptor). …
460 S&W Magnum might have too much velocity. See Picture...
2019年12月8日 · The first 460 S&W rifle I built was built for this requirement and it exceeded the 444 in every way so now with the versatility of the 460 in a rifle or pistol and the recoil …
.460 S&W Magnum - Long Range Hunting Forum
2021年6月26日 · good deal on a .460 Smithin 5" ,it is spotless and the trigger is superb, my problem is the only bullets I can find are 200 gr. FTX and 225 FTX I have read that the 225 will …
460 S+W Magnum, good first Pistol? - Long Range Hunting Forum
2005年2月16日 · At the price of .460 S&W Mag ammo, that would be -- what, say well over $1000? I'm a big proponent of the .44's for training. Then, if you still need more range than the …
460 S&W Magnum might have too much velocity. See Picture...
2015年5月5日 · Until the 460 S&W, My most powerful hand gun was a 444 marlin contender and once I used a 240 HP (Pistol bullet)@ 2400 ft/sec in it, and blew the opposite shoulder …
460 s&w | Page 2 | Long Range Hunting Forum
2017年2月20日 · the 460 S&W is 65,000 PSI's the same as modern Magnum rifles . The 460 S&W pushes a 200 grain bullet (Factory load) to2409 ft/sec In my short barreled rifle it …