GNR Wildcat Cartridges - Reeder Custom Guns
The cartridge on the right is 450 GNR - see below) This one is form from 348 case full length necked up to 416. I have used this one considerably in Africa on large game. It puts a 350 gr. …
Reeder Custom Guns - my 416 GNR and 450 GNR have both taken
Mar 22, 2022 · The 450 GNR with a 500 grain Hornady Dangerous Game Bullet doing almost 2000 fps has done very well for me taking a large Cape Buffalo and several like sized animals …
450 GNR reloading data for an Encore - Cast Boolits
Oct 6, 2012 · I'm looking for load data for the .450 GNR cartridge. I've looked at the Reeder website and around the web a fair amount but have not been able to find much. I picked up a …
Custom Contender Cartridges - Reeder Custom Guns
If you're hunting big game this fall take along plenty of power, in either our 416 GNR or 450 GNR. Our dies are made by Hornady Custom and all load data is enclosed. All our 416 and 450 …
I was going to load up some pretty warm .450 GNR
Jun 17, 2019 · really knarly testing of the 450 GNR. On my Cape Buffalo hunt last year I got the great Hornady 500 grain DGS and DGX bullets up to 2000 fps. I have a special hunt …
Reeder Custom Guns - .450 GNR
Jun 17, 2019 · .450 GNR Monday, June 17, 2019, 09:34 Sounds like a great reloading exploring trip to me. Can't wait to see what you come up with. Enjoying the Marlin 1984c a bunch. …
Gary Reeder Custom Guns- Contender Calibers
.41 GNR...This was our first wildcat cartridge, developed in 1980. It is simply a 44 magnum case necked down to 41. It will put a 170 grain bullet out of a test barrel at 2100 FPS. We have …
475 Alaskan/GNR/Turnbull - Shooters Forum
Jun 26, 2007 · I currently shoot a 450 Alaskan built on a Browning 71. I load 405 JSP as well as a lead Lasercast 430GC. This is without a doubt the most accurate big bore rifle I have ever …
Reeder Custom Guns - Big Bad Leroy Brown, the .450 GNR.
Jun 20, 2019 · Reeder Custom Guns - Big Bad Leroy Brown, the .450 GNR. Been thinking about that .450 GNR at max. performance envelope. My .458 Win. RIFLE shooting always ended in …
Howdah Pistols - American Handgunner
The 356 GNR is available in both the G2 and Encore. Other calibers, including the 375 GNR #2, 416 GNR, 440 GNR, 450 GNR and 476 GNR, are based on the Encore. Gary is only building …