.410 in a .45-70 #1 anyone? - Ruger Forum
2013年7月30日 · Has anyone on the forum ever tried that? And Why? Or better stated what circumstances made you try it. I know you can shoot 410 and .45 Colt in a Tarsus Judge. But …
.45-70 - Ruger Forum
2011年3月30日 · The 45/70 with the 355gr cast LBT boolits is not at all bad. Of course I have a good recoil pad, and the face in a better position then when I first tried the rifle with iron sights. …
45-70 alternate? - Ruger Forum
2011年4月28日 · Bohdi, Yes, you only want to buy ammo with the box marked "45-70". There are other 45 cal rifle cartridges such as a 45-90, 45 Colt, 450 Marlin, 458 Win Mag, and 458 Lott …
Powder Recommendations of 45-70, using bullets 405-500 grains
2022年2月1日 · If I remember correctly 45-70 data shows tiered load data and older type riffles and certain reproductions require lower pressures accordingly. I shoot a Henry Brass framed …
.45-70 Incoming? + advice please - Ruger Forum
2014年9月5日 · I now own a RemLin 1895GBL 45-70. Great gun. Whatever teething problems Marlin had since being bought by Remington seems to have been resolved. The functioning, fit …
The 45/70 lever action reload - Ruger Forum
2023年6月6日 · My current recipe is a Hornady 325 FTX, on top of 49.6 grains of IMR-4198, Winchester large rifle primers, with Hornady brass. Runs around 2040 on the chronograph. …
The new Marlin 45/70 Dark - Ruger Forum
2024年10月21日 · I have a Marlin dark its not the Ruger/marlin looking tactical one is just a normal looking lever gun In 45/70. Its still in its box haven't fired it yet probably wont in the …
.45-70 Value - Ruger Forum
2011年3月6日 · If I was looking for a varmint rifle then appearance has a lower ranking. Also the chambering is important, and like the original post I too would lioke a fine 45-70, but it it was …
Henry 45-70 - Ruger Forum
2015年11月16日 · The Henry H010 .45-70 is a fine rifle, and should be an excellent choice for deer hunting. What you can expect if you buy one is a rifle with excellent build quality. Wood to …
Replica 45-70 Action Strength - Ruger Forum
2020年10月26日 · I have no intentions of "learning" the limits of any action types. Having received great information here and elsewhere, I'm thinking about either Pedersoli Sharps Long Range …