Team 4414 | Ventura CA | HighTide
High school students from all around Ventura, CA participate on FRC team 4414 and each year create a globally competitive robot with the support of industry and FIRST professional mentors.
4414 | Ventura CA | HighTide | Robots
A List of the competative robots Team 4414 has constructed over the years to compete in competitions, not only in Ventura Ca, but all over the US.
CAD - HighTide
In this course you will learn how to use OnShape.
News - HighTide
[email protected] 2932 Golf Course Dr. Ventura, California 93003. Send. Thanks! Message sent.
Sponsors - HighTide
hampto n bavkar leo/ngyuan dr. ali dr. krishman steve noll. bronze sponsors. sea things nail luxury dr. shew pat plunkett sandon
Electrical Components | HighTide
Oct 10, 2018 · In this section I hope to give a brief explanation of each of the electrical components. By the end, you should be able to correctly identify and understand the …
Programming - HighTide
Oct 11, 2018 · The ins and outs of FRC software development. Programming. Sort by: Recent Activity
Tidal Tumble 2nd Robot Upgrade
If you have already paid for Tidal Tumble, and want to add a second robot, please purchase this "upgrade".
H T H Q 7.13.18 - team4414.com
Today the team met and went over the status of our primary facility (HighTide Head Quarters(HTHQ)), the state of our nonprofit status, worked on our to do list as well as develop …