How does the CD4066 Work? - Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange
2017年1月3日 · Is the 4066 equivalent to four independently controllable relays, where one relay switches on the pair X1,Y1?-Is this the purpose of this IC? So four relays are required to switch (the 4 pairs of audio signals) X1,Y1
Need some advice on how to use 4066 CMOS bilateral switch
2009年7月26日 · Assuming this, I have built a +/- 5v with reference to ground power supply to use on them (I have 10 4066 chips). The signal from the pickups goes +- 1.5v max. Next (and most important) question: On the 4066, to switch (the switches) on, I raise the control pin to +5v, to turn them off do I need to take the control pin to -5v or will ground work.
Is the 4066 appropriate for power switching? - Electrical …
I'd thought of using a 4066 switch to some LED's to indicate the state of the interface for troubleshooting (TxD, RxD and PPS) and I'm wondering if the 4066 is feasible for switching power inputs. The USB module (an EM-406A) draws about …
How to implement bilateral switch in LTSpice? e.g. cd4066b?
2020年6月12日 · The 4066 is already in LTS, use F2 > CDLogic select, ref: this image. E . Reactions: mggg and atferrari ...
power supply for 4066 analog bilateral switch - All About Circuits
2018年3月5日 · It is recommended that power supply for the 4066 when used as an analog bilateral switch is +/- 5V. In my circuit that amplitude modulates a sine wave signal, the power supply for that circuit is +/- 8V. Will this degrade operation of the switch, and if so, in what way?
4066 Bi-Lateral switch versus Transistor to emulate a button push …
2021年5月14日 · With this the 4066 IC was ideal, single chip, low power and simple bridging switch closed the circuit and simulated pushing of the analog switch. Which appeared to work, but one issue I found was that when the IC was unpowered the circuits defaulted to a state that bridged or triggered a button push.
Switching with CD4066 - All About Circuits
2010年3月18日 · VDD/VSS are used in the library models for the 4066 supply pins, and +V/-V are used for the library models for the TL072. JP1 and JP2 are zero-Ohm resistors. Eagle will complain bitterly if you connect two different supply signals on one wire, and you will have problems if you do.
IC 4066 Switching on Relay - Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange
2012年11月25日 · I have a water detection circuit that uses 3/4's of a 4066 (SW1-3) as a 3-level sensor and the 4th to power the coil of a 12v relay which will provide power to a water pump if the water level is at least at the minimum level. The sensor works and powers 3 LED's to visually indicate water level.
4066 help reqd - All About Circuits
2009年1月21日 · 4066 Bi-Lateral switch versus Transistor to emulate a button push of roller shutter controller: signal inversion question (4017 + 4049 + 4066) another 4066 question: switching between signal A and B? 4017 counting and switching the 4066: power supply for 4066 analog bilateral switch
CMOS 4066 Question - Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange
2014年2月28日 · If one would like the output to stay at its present voltage when the 4066 is disabled, and if one is driving a high-impedance load, one may instead use a capacitor. If a capacitor is used, then while the 4066 is enabled the cap voltage will swing toward the input, and when it is disabled it will tend to stay more or less where it is (though it ...