Pros/Cons S&W 3953? - Smith & Wesson Forum
2016年6月10日 · Carry a 3953 and you have nothing to learn or remember except for one smooth, reliable, predictable trigger. Don't need to 'remember' a safety,.....ON or OFF. Don't need to 'remember' a decocker. You'll never holster a cocked 3953. You'll never try to fire a safed 3953. You'll never do anything stupid with a cocked and unsafed 3953. Draw pistol.
3rd Gen Journey: 5906->3913->3953 - Smith & Wesson Forum
2014年6月7日 · My Kahr K9 is my primary CCW pistol but the 3953 might edge it out; it has a great trigger. We'll see how I shoot it. It's really a shame that S&W stopped making the 39XX pistols. I think they would sell well today. SIG still makes the P239 (another one of my favorites) so people are buying pistols like this. S&W 5906, 3913, 3953 S&W 3913 and 3953
Why no 3953 Love? - Smith & Wesson Forum
2018年4月21日 · The next day I received a FedEx package from L.A. with my unissued 3953. I immediately took it to the range, and ran about 500 rounds of duty JHP ammo through it. Zero malfunctions, so the next two years it was my EDC pistol. Unfortunately two years later the agency went to Glocks nationwide, and I had to give up my beloved 3953.
S&W 3953, New to Me - smith-wessonforum.com
2023年3月4日 · Picked up a new-to-me S&W 3953 on Friday from forum member robrossk. This unit was a special order. It lacks the magazine disconnect safety.
3913 and 3953, difference? - Smith & Wesson Forum
2024年6月18日 · Mechanical difference between plain jane 3953 & 3953 TSW? petemacmahon: Smith & Wesson Semi-Auto Pistols: 7: 02-13-2022 05:57 PM: Can you put 3953 DAO internals in a 3913 and make it basically a 3953? Stopsign32v: Smith & Wesson Semi-Auto Pistols: 13: 10-12-2018 01:17 PM: SOLD S&W 3913 S&W Complete rail/barrel and 3913/3953 Kramer IWB …
3953 TSW Different Factory Grips Than Standard? - Smith
2022年1月11日 · I have a 3953. Same grips as a 3913. But I just bought a 3953 TSW on gunbroker and the grip is different. There’s a cut on the bottom. I’m attaching a YouTube link that has the poster with a standard 3953, but the grips have the same cut as the TSW I just bought. Is the frame slightly smaller on the TSW guns?
S&W 3953 holster recommendations - Smith & Wesson Forum
2023年1月17日 · I regularly carry 3953 or DAO 3914 but usually appendix. But, I used to carry at 4:00 IWB with a TT Gunleather KX Lightweight or Mike’s Special. Here is the KX Lightweight with a 3914. Sorry for the lousy photos. Just threw this together fast. It’s super slim and fits your double clip requirement. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
3953 DAO - smith-wessonforum.com
2017年8月15日 · The 3953 and all other "standard" DAO 3rd Gens require the slide to be cycled if the round doesn't fire on the first trigger pull. I have no idea why the serial number is on the right side other than "NYPD" and the police, fire, and EMS in the Big Apple have unique (and sometimes weird) special requirements for their equipment and vehicles.
3913 vs. 3953 - smith-wessonforum.com
2016年8月20日 · This particular 3953 is an earlier one as evidenced by its hard chromed trigger and hammer. The later DAO guns had blued triggers and hammers. My 1086 was a later blued trigger and hammer, two of the 4046s were later blued trigger / hammer guns, and the 4053 is a transition gun with a blued hammer and a hard chromed trigger.
Trigger pull 5946/ 3953 DAO's - Smith & Wesson Forum
2010年1月20日 · Summit has 639/5946/3953's for sale: Aden67: Smith & Wesson Semi-Auto Pistols: 0: 04-10-2012 05:23 PM: