2 vs. 3 kids? - Berkeley Parents Network
2 vs. 3 kids? (Dec 29, 2019) We have 3, and for the most part I love it - both my husband and I come from families without a lot of other people in our generation, so I kind of felt like having 3 gave our kids some "critical mass" for the future.
Nanny share with 3 kids/ 2 families? - Berkeley Parents Network
2019年2月3日 · If you don't all use the same hours, it gets more complicated because you will need to figure out one- and two-child rates, and overtime starts whenever the nanny hits 8 hours on the clock in a given day, regardless of which kids are there when, so you'd want to take all of that into consideration in figuring out the split.
7yo still in nighttime pullups | Berkeley Parents Network
2024年9月26日 · Two of my 3 kids weren't dry overnight until they were around 10 or 11, and the third was dry immediately upon potty training at 2 1/2. Yours will get there eventually - some kids just take a lot longer than others.
Potty Training 2-3 Year Olds - Berkeley Parents Network
2020年4月14日 · When my son started that, his preschool teacher suggested ''commando.'' Worked like a charm. I just put him in loose-fitting, soft, elastic-waist pants or shorts. This worked for all 3 of my kids. The oldest wore no undies for 2 yrs, the middle started wearing undies after about 4 mos or so, and the youngest started after about a year.
Camp Chrysalis - Berkeley Parents Network
They don't sleep in cabins, but share tents, maybe 2-3 kids/tent. The camps are all about exploring the natural environment around you, so for example, Mendocino focuses on tide pools/marine experiences, while the Sierra is all about mountain hiking and swimming in rivers and lakes. There is music and woodworking. The kids do a lot of the cooking.
Extended Separations from the Kids | Berkeley Parents Network
3. Your kids may actually fare better than your spouse. Before we had kids, our positions were reversed and my husband was the one who would be gone for a month at a time. I always had to go through an adjustment period when he got back. The reality was, I got used to not having him around and always getting to do things my way.
Good schools + South Asian Presence | Berkeley Parents Network
2024年8月7日 · In my kids' classes, they are the only South Asian kid and there aren't many more in the overall school. We are relatively new to Berkeley, so my experience in limited. There is a lot of diversity in Berkeley but it doesn't seem like there are many South Asian families in Berkeley with school-age kids.
Anesthesia and Kids - Berkeley Parents Network
I have had two kids go under general anesthesia: my 7 year old had surgery to put pins in his broken arm, and my 3 year old had open heart surgery. Both times they were given a fast-acting syrupy medicine in a cup (similar to valium, but it also provides an amnesiac quality). The name is escaping me at the moment!
Destiny Arts - Berkeley Parents Network
2023年9月26日 · Over the years, my 3 kids did the Teddy Bear Hip-Hop and enjoyed it. I appreciated that they focused on more than just dance moves, but also teaching the kids to feel positive about themselves and be respectful community members. The Love in Action showcase is a fun conclusion to the classes.
City of Berkeley Aquatics | Berkeley Parents Network
2023年12月15日 · At the end of the day, it was deemed to be a large public subsidy of an amenity not enjoyed by many, and users were encouraged to join the Y which has 3 pools. I think it is the case that pools are not seen as an essential service of the City of Berkeley, given that many people do use the Y, or the UC pools, if they use pools at all.