2S19 Msta-S - Wikipedia
The 2S19 Msta-S is a 152.4 mm self-propelled howitzer designed and manufactured by Uraltransmash in the Soviet Union and later in Russia, which entered service in 1989 as the successor to the 2S3 Akatsiya.
2S19 MSTA-S自行榴弹炮 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2S19 MSTA-S自行榴弹炮 (俄语: 2С19 «Мста-С», 拉丁化: 2S19 "MSTA-S")是蘇聯研製的152毫米 自走砲,於1989年在 蘇聯陸軍 投入服務并在1991年 苏联解体 后被 俄罗斯陆军 和 乌克兰陆军 继续使用。 2S19式榴弹炮由 乌拉尔运输机器设计局 研制, 北约 赋予其的代号为 M1990式。 该炮于1984年开始研制,1987年批量生产,1989年装备 苏军 炮兵师和集团军炮兵旅,主要用于压制敌方炮兵、坦克及反坦克预备队,破坏地面防御工事,摧毁敌方侦察所和指挥所,歼灭敌方 …
战争之神。 SAU 2S19“ MSTA-S”:军队服役超过30年
May 7, 2020 · 2S19可以使用各种单独的炮弹装填弹药,从简单的高爆破片弹药到弹匣和制导弹药。 50枚枪弹成堆运输;可以从地面或卡车司机运送。 2A64榴弹炮具有47千克的炮管,能够将高爆炸弹发射到25公里的射程。 主动-主动-长达29公里。 射速-高达7-8 rds / mn。
2S19型自行榴弹炮 - 百度百科
2S19“姆斯塔”榴弹炮用于消灭敌战术核弹药运载工具、炮兵连、迫击炮连和火箭连、指挥所、野战筑城工事、坦克和有生力量。 其射程应能阻止敌防御纵深的预备队机动;应能从隐蔽阵地对能观察到和观察不到的目标,包括在山区环境中的目标,进行间接瞄准射击和直接瞄准射击。 还要求它能使用D-20牵引式榴弹炮、2S3和2S5自行火炮的有黄铜药筒和钢药筒变装药的老式制式炮弹。 2S19型自行式榴弹炮,研制采用“金合欢”和“风信子”火炮的试验样车,检验了大威力火炮在大 …
MSTA-S 2S19 152mm Self-Propelled Howitzer - Army Technology
Oct 3, 2000 · The 152mm 2S19 MSTA-S self-propelled howitzer is designed to defeat unsheltered and covered manpower, weapons and materiel to division level. The MSTA-S entered service with the Russian Army in 1989. MSTA-S comprises a turret mounted on a tracked armoured 6×6 chassis, which has been based on elements of the T-72 and T-80 main battle tanks.
2S19 MSTA-S - Army Guide
The 152 mm 2S19 MSTA-S self-propelled howitzer is designed to defeat unsheltered and covered manpower, weapons and materiel to division level. MSTA-S entered service with the Russian Army in 1989. MSTA-S comprises a turret mounted on a tracked armoured chassis which has been based on elements of the T-72 and T-80 main battle tanks.
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network - United States Army
The 2S19 "Msta-S" (Russian: Мста, after the Msta River) is a 152.4 mm self-propelled howitzer designed by the Soviet Union, which entered service in 1989 as the successor to the 2S3 Akatsiya. The...
2S19 Msta (1989) - tank-afv.com
The 2S19 Msta-S is a 152.4 mm self-propelled howitzer manufactured by Uraltransmash, entering service in 1989. A radical departure from previous designs, it was the designated successor to the 2S3 Akatsiya.
2S19 Msta-S 152-mm Self-Propelled Howitzer - GlobalSecurity.org
The 2S19 152mm self-propelled gun, combined a version of the 2A65 towed 152mm gun with a new chassis based on T-72 and T-80 tank components. The 2S19 was developed to combine the roles of the...
2c19(2s19)自行榴弹炮 - 搜狗百科
Nov 5, 2020 · 2S19型自行榴弹炮(俄文:2С19самоходная гаубица Читать полностью ,英文:2S19 self-propelled howitzer ,绰号:Msta-S,译名:姆斯塔S),是苏联20世纪80年代末期研制装备部队的一种152毫米口径履带式自行榴弹炮。
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