Toyota 2NZ-FE – Engine Specs
Mar 7, 2025 · The Toyota 2NZ-FE is a 1.3 l (1,298 cc, 79.21 cu-in) straight-four 4-stroke natural aspirated gasoline engine from Toyota NZ-family. The 2NZ-FE engine was manufactured on Kamigo Plant (Aichi Prefecture, Japan) from 1999.
Toyota NZ engine - Wikipedia
Visually, this engine is identical to the 1NZ-FE, but can be identified by the 2NZ-FE mark on the intake manifold. For specific regions with leaded petrol, the 2NZ-FE was not equipped with VVT-i. [10]
Toyota 2NZ-FE 1.3L Engine Specs, Problems & Reliability
The 2NZ-FE is a 1.3-liter inline four-cylinder gasoline engine, the smallest version in the Toyota's NZ family. This engine is used for subcompact cars sold by Toyota since 1999 (Toyota Yaris/Echo, Toyota Porte, and etc.). The 2NZ is closely related to the 1.5-liter version - 1NZ-FE.
丰田NZ引擎 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
1NZ-FE是1NZ-FXE的1.5升 (1,497cc)传统奥托循环车型,配备VVT-i。 在日本和亚洲国家组装的许多丰田车型中都可以找到这种发动机缸体。 它保留了相同的缸径和冲程,但压缩比降低到10.5:1。 在6000转/分时输出功率为109马力(81千瓦;111马力),在4200转/分时扭矩为141牛-米(104磅-英尺)。 红线为6400转/分。 此发动机也授权由吉利制造和由丰田制造并出售装配给长城汽车。 1NZ-FXE是1.5 L(1,497 cc)的混合动力版本。 缸径和冲程为75毫米×84.7毫米(2.95英 …
Toyota 2NZ-FE 1.3L 丰田发动机 - 知乎专栏
Jun 22, 2020 · 2NZ-FE是1.3升 直列四缸 汽油发动机,是丰田NZ系列中最小的版本。 自1999年以来,该发动机用于丰田公司销售的超小型汽车(丰田Yaris / Echo,丰田波特等)。
トヨタ・NZエンジン - Wikipedia
トヨタ・NZエンジン は、 トヨタ自動車 の 水冷 直列4気筒 ・ アルミ ダイキャスト製 ガソリンエンジン の系列である。 2NZ-FEは2000年 インターナショナル・エンジン・オブ・ザ・イヤー の1.0 - 1.4Lエンジン部門賞に選ばれている。
丰田2nz发动机好吗 - 百家号
Jun 24, 2024 · 丰田的2NZ发动机系列,特别是其中的2NZ-FE型号,是一款小排量四缸发动机,涵盖了不同容量的版本,如1.5L的混合动力(1NZ-FXE)和燃油动力(1NZ-FE),以及1.3L的燃油动力(2NZ-FE)。
Toyota 2NZ-FE Engine: Specifications and technical data
The Toyota 2NZ-FE is a 1.3 l (1,298 cc, 79.21 cubic inches) straight-four 4-stroke naturally aspirated gasoline engine from Toyota NZ-family. The 2NZ-FE engine was manufactured on Kamigo Plant (Aichi Prefecture, Japan) from 1999.
Engine Toyota 2NZ-FE - MyMotorList.com
Aug 7, 2023 · 2NZ engine – 4-stroke 4-cylinder gasoline with electronic fuel injection and ignition control system, in-line cylinders and pistons rotating one common crankshaft, with two overhead camshafts (usually with a variable valve timing system VVT-i). The engine has a closed-type forced circulation liquid cooling system.
Toyota 2NZ-FE Engine | Specs, turbo, oil capacity, problems
Jun 12, 2015 · Toyota 2NZ-FE engine specs, common problems, malfunctions and repair, engine oil and capacity, 2NZ turbo, supercharger, etc.