2nd Marine Aircraft Wing Band - United States Marine Corps
For eight decades, the band has distinguished itself as a musical ambassador of the Marine Corps by performing at over 300 events annually. 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing Band performs at both...
2nd Marine Aircraft Wing
The mission of 2nd MAW is to conduct air operations in support of the Marine Forces to include offensive air support, antiair warfare, assault support, aerial reconnaissance, electronic...
2nd Marine Aircraft Wing Band Leaders - music.marines.mil
From March 2020 to March 2024 Master Gunnery Sergeant Mike was assigned as the Bandmaster for the 2nd Marine Division Band. As of the beginning of 2024, Master Gunnery Sergeant Mike...
2nd Marine Aircraft Wing Band | Cherry Point NC - Facebook
Welcome to the official page of the United States Marine Corps' 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing Band.
2nd Marine Aircraft Wing - United States Marine Corps
U.S. Marines with the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing (MAW) Band conduct security force training at Marine Corps Auxiliary Landing Field (MCALF) Bogue, North Carolina, from Feb. 4, 2025, to Feb. 5, 2025.
2nd Marine Aircraft Wing Band - Wikipedia
The 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing Band is a United States Marine Corps Air-Ground Task Force regional military band located at Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point. It performs at basic state functions, civilian ceremonies, and military parades in the region, presenting musical support and entertainment for unit/community events.
Request a Band - United States Marine Corps
Enter your postal code to find a Marine Corps installation within 100 miles of your event location. Complete a Civilian Request Form or a Military Request Form and submit it to that installation....
Contact Us - United States Marine Corps
2nd Marine Aircraft Wing Band MWHS-2 PSC 8076 Cherry Point, North Carolina 28533-0076 Commercial: (252) 466-2330 DSN: 582-2330
MCCS 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing Band Holiday Concert
2024年12月14日 · The 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing Band invites you to join them for their annual tradition of providing classic holiday music for two performances only at Two Rivers Theater & Event Center. Welcome the spirit of the holidays with a family-friendly evening of seasonal favorites and maybe an appearance by St. Nicholas himself.
2nd Marine Aircraft Wing Band - Facebook
2nd Marine Aircraft Wing Band. Music. Artists. More. Artists. La Fraternelle de St Georges d'Espéranche. East Carolina University Bands. American Legion Post 177 Band “The 177th” ...