2A70 (Gun) - Army Guide
The 2A70 rifled gun fires a 3UOF17 HE fragmentation projectile at a rate of fire of 8 to 10 rds/min or the 3UBK-10-3 with the 9M117 laser-guided antitank missile. The latter is known by NATO as the AT-10 'Stabber', has a maximum range of 4,000 m and is covered in the Vehicle-mounted anti-tank guided weapons section.
100mm 2A70 - Weaponsystems.net
The 2A70 is a low pressure cannon with hydraulic buffer system. The 2A70 is intended to fire HE-Fragmentation shells and doubles as a launcher for the 9M117 Bastion tube-launched anti-tank guided missile.
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network - United States Army
The 2A70 rifled cannon is capable of firing high explosive fragmentation rounds and laser-guided anti-tank missiles. It also features secondary weapons designed to engage and destroy enemy...
BMP-3 Infantry Combat Vehicle - Army Technology
Apr 26, 2000 · The main armament of the BMP-3 is a 100mm 2A70 semi-automatic rifled gun / missile launcher, which is stabilised in two axes and can fire either 3UOF HE-FRAG rounds or 3UBK10 anti-tank guided missiles. Effective range for the HE-FRAG round is 4,000m.
2A70 - Wikiwand
The 100 mm gun-launcher 2A70 (GRAU designation: 2А70) is a model of low-pressure rifled cannons designed in the Soviet Union by the KBP Instrument Design Bureau. Integrated into Bakhcha-U and Sinitsa turret modules, the gun equips the BMD-4, BMP-3, and BTR-90M infantry fighting vehicles.
苏联/俄罗斯2A70火炮及弹药简介 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2A70与 2A28 虽然都是低膛压火炮,但结构和原理完全不同,2A70是由120毫米迫榴炮内膛技术,即低膛压与刻槽弹带榴弹技术基础上研制而来的低后座100毫米线膛炮,从技术上来说,与2A60式120毫米线膛迫榴炮是近亲。 2A70火炮长度3.943 m,重量331.6 kg,宽度281mm,高度404mm。 2A70火炮与2A28不同,炮管采用线膛设计。 2A70炮尾采用立楔式炮闩设计。 2 …
The 2A70 is a 100mm cannon/missile-launcher developed by KBP Tula as the primary weapon for the BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicle. This gun system can fire 100mm rounds such as 3UOF17 and 3UOF19 as well as the Bastion anti-tank guided missile.
2A70铝合金 - 百度百科
2A70铝合金是一种铝合金,有可塑性高,易于锻造、冲等特点。 高强度锻铝在热态下具有高的可塑性,易于锻造.冲压;可以热处理强化,在淬火及人工时效后的强度与硬铝相似;工艺性能较好,但有挤压效应,故纵向和横向性能有所差异;抗蚀性较好,但有晶间腐蚀的倾向;可切削性能良好,电阻焊.点焊.缝焊性能良好,电弧焊和气焊性能不好。 耐腐蚀性能:合金有应力腐蚀倾向 …
2A70 (100 mm) - War Thunder Wiki
Compile a list of air, ground, or naval vehicles that feature this weapon system in the game. Tell us about the tactical and technical characteristics of the cannon or machine gun. Describe the shells that are available for the weapon and their features and purpose.
2A70 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions - DigiKey
Order today, ships today. 2A70 – Rectangular Pushbutton Switch Cap White, Transparent Snap Fit from Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions. Pricing and Availability on millions of electronic components from Digi-Key Electronics.
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