2A46 125 mm gun - Wikipedia
Other variations include 2A46M, 2A46M-1, 2A46M-2, 2A46M-4, 2A46M-5, and Ukrainian KBA-3 and Chinese ZPT-98. The 2A46 can fire armour-piercing fin-stabilised discarding sabot (APFSDS), high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT) and high-explosive fragmentation (HEF) projectiles. The ammunition for the 2A46 gun is in two pieces: the projectile is loaded ...
Tank guns 2А46М-5 and 2А46М-4 - Военное обозрение
2014年9月1日 · The 2A46M-5 gun guard was developed taking into account the use of the Tagil automatic loader, and the 2A46M-4 guards are compatible with the loading mechanism of the T-80 tank. All other units and assemblies of the guns are unified.
125mm 2A46 - Weaponsystems.net
Deep modernization of existing stocks of T-72 tanks. Both T-72B3 and T-72B3M are armed with the 2A46M-5 cannon.
CA Lab Code Section 246.5 - California.Public.Law
2023年8月19日 · Upon the oral or written request of an employee, an employer shall provide paid sick days for the following purposes: Diagnosis, care, or treatment of an existing health condition of, or preventive care for, an employee or an employee’s family member.
2A46坦克炮的结构图 - 哔哩哔哩
2024年3月2日 · 新型的2A46坦克炮是由OKB-9设计局以下、由V. A. Golubeva带领的开发圑队以下进行研制。 1970年,2A46坦克炮获苏联军队所采用。 早期版本的2A46坦克炮的炮管寿命较短,随后的2A46M版本时寿命已有所延长。 2A46坦克炮的衍生型为2A46、2A46M、2A46M-1、2A46M-2、2A46M-4、2A46M-5,乌克兰衍生型KBA-3和中国衍生型ZPT-98. …
C 2A46 UltraTOP | Info R-M International
Advance Series - Clear coat especially for ONYX HD basecoat.
52.246-5 Inspection of Services-Cost-Reimbursement.
2025年1月17日 · 52.246-5 Inspection of Services-Cost-Reimbursement. As prescribed in 46.305 , insert the following clause in solicitations and contracts for services, or supplies that involve the furnishing of services, when a cost-reimbursement contract is contemplated:
CA Lab Code Section 245.5 - California.Public.Law
2023年8月19日 · “Paid sick days” means time that is compensated at the same wage as the employee normally earns during regular work hours and is provided by an employer to an employee for the purposes described in Section 246.5.
52.246-5 Inspection of Services-Cost-Reimbursement. - FAR
As prescribed in 46.305, the contracting officer shall insert the clause at 52.246-5, Inspection of Services—Cost Reimbursement, in solicitations and contracts for services, or supplies that involve the furnishing of services, when a cost-reimbursement contract is contemplated.
26 U.S. Code § 246 - Rules applying to deductions for dividends ...
2001年1月1日 · The amendments made by this section [amending this section] shall apply to dividends received or accrued after the 30th day after the date of the enactment of this Act [Aug. 5, 1997].
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