MOS Megathread Series -- CMF 25 -- Signal Corps Branch - Reddit
2021年6月8日 · 25E: Spectrum wizards. I truly do not envy them their job, since they're the ones that tell the BDE 6 he cannot shoot HCLOS at full power in a populated area. Spends most of …
Does anyone have any experience as a 25e/17e? : r/army - Reddit
2021年10月29日 · 25E are the ones that tell you what radio frequency/channels you can use. You can’t just pull your radio out of the closet, program a frequency and start talking, it’s all …
MOS Megathread Series -- CMF 25 -- Signal Corps Branch - Reddit
MOS Megathread Series -- CMF 25 -- Signal Corps Branch -- 25A, 255A, 255N, 255S, 255Z, 25B, 25C, 25D, 25E, 25F, 25L, 25M, 25N, 25P, 25Q, 25R, 25S, 25T, 25U, 25V, 25W, 25X, 25Z All, …
A Summary of my Research on 25E-NBOH, with Citations
2020年1月22日 · On September 7, 2018, when Timóteo Lucas Hoffman, 16, ingested 25E-NBOH, the substance was not considered an illicit drug. The substance only officially became banned …
25E Used EV tax credit -- one per family or one per person in
The law, 26 USC Section 25E(c) (3)(A), says "individual" so I interpret that as one per person, every three years, not one per household. Form 8936, line 14 , says: "14 Enter the total credit …
Anyone tried 25E-NBOH? : r/researchchemicals - Reddit
2018年2月26日 · 25E-NBOH is probably pretty darn potent in weight aswel. 25E-NBOH is a very interessting psychedelic, probably has very strong introspective yet distinct unique effects. On …
Any 25E out there?? : r/army - Reddit
2021年8月18日 · Testimonies: "Can confirm. Was an E4 33W/35T after 4 years and made 6 figures out of the army. Earned an associate's in electronics technology through the …
25E : r/army - Reddit
2022年1月4日 · Are there any 25E that can tell me how this job relates to IT, and how it transfers to careers in the civilian world? Archived post. New comments cannot be posted and votes …
25E-NBOH is a god tier psychedelic : r/researchchemicals - Reddit
Huh, I had quite a bit of 25e-nbome tied it 3 times, this was 2013-2014. Every time it was a bad time. Lots of vasoconstriction and just generally weird headspace. But 2c-e was my least …
25E packet got approved : r/army - Reddit
2023年11月23日 · Feel free to comment if you aren't a 25E but know or work with them and can share some insights into how their lives are Coming from logistics where I've been rotting …