25-45 sharps | Long Range Hunting Forum
2016年8月29日 · The 25-45 looks like it should have a following because it should be a good step up from the 223 for some types of hunting. But like everything else, there is always a cartridge …
25x45 Sharps loads - Long Range Hunting Forum
2023年2月15日 · When the 25-45 sharps came out, I thought that it was the stupidest thing ever. I thought that a 25 caliber Grendel case would be much better. I am a 25 caliber guy. But I saw …
S&W Model 25-15 45 Colt - Cast Boolits
2014年2月8日 · As close as I can come is a 625 Classic, and a 625 Mountain Gun. Both have .452" throats. The Classic hasn't been fired much, but is very accurate, it's first groups were 1" …
Loading for 45 Colt S&W 25 - Cast Boolits
2020年3月31日 · I have similar revolver, but in stainless -- the 625-3 “45 Cal of 1983” 5”Barrel .45ACP using moon-clips -- and a friend's 625 in .45 Colt --other than chambering -- seems to …
Who's got a 25-45 Sharps bolt gun? - Long Range Hunting Forum
2011年4月23日 · I've been kicking around an ultralight build idea but undecided on the caliber. Its taken my from 257 Roberts, to 25-06, to 257 Weatherby. Recently, I think the 6x45 would be …
.25-45 Sharps - Cast Boolits
2018年2月23日 · Reviving this old thread. I think I'm going to build this on a Savage 219 rather than the Contender (might still do the MGM 25-45 eventually) and do it in .25-20. Options …
S&W 25-2 with .45 Auto Rim - Cast Boolits
2017年10月28日 · The 25-2 is a strong revolver and can be loaded with 45 AR ammo to full 45 ACP spec with zero problems. Some even up that a mite.
Finally a .25 based on the .223 case The .25-45 Sharps - Cast Boolits
2015年1月16日 · I have just learned that Sharps Rifle company has a new round based on the .223/5.56 Cartridge Case. They call it the .25-.45 sharps. Some have their noses up in the air …
25-45 Sharps and Win 296 - Cast Boolits
2020年6月26日 · 25-45 Sharps and Win 296 Please note that if you are using a high risk VPN to register, your profile may be placed in a banned status. If this is your first visit, be sure to …
.25x45, aka .25-45 Sharps, similar to the .25-223 wildcat
2009年7月24日 · Warning! This thread is more than 8 years ago old. It's likely that no further discussion is required, in which case we recommend starting a new thread. If however you feel …