Help me understand 21:9 resolutions. : r/ultrawidemasterrace
Oct 31, 2023 · Welcome to r/ultrawidemasterrace, the hub for Ultrawide enthusiasts. Dive into discussions about game support, productivity, or share your new Ultrawide setup.
A place to post wallpapers for 21:9 aspect ratio wallpapers - Reddit
r/ultrawidewallpapers: A repository for Wallpapers with a 21:9 aspect ratio
Fallout 4 looks amazing in 21x9 ultrawide! but hud is broken - Reddit
Nov 11, 2015 · I feel like it should be pretty easy to set the bounds for the hud elements separately from the rendering res, how most games "support" 21:9, and hopefully modders …
Skyrim Special Edition 21:9 fix for anyone. : r ... - Reddit
Oct 28, 2016 · 36 votes, 80 comments. true. For those using a 2560 x 1080 monitor, and running in 1920 x 1080 Windowed-Borderless mode to avoid UI issues, and don't like the window …
3440x1440: 21:9 or 43:18? : r/ultrawidemasterrace - Reddit
Welcome to r/ultrawidemasterrace, the hub for Ultrawide enthusiasts. Dive into discussions about game support, productivity, or share your new Ultrawide setup.
What is the 21:9 equivalent of 4k? : r/ultrawidemasterrace - Reddit
Feb 6, 2022 · Welcome to r/ultrawidemasterrace, the hub for Ultrawide enthusiasts. Dive into discussions about game support, productivity, or share your new Ultrawide setup.
Can't decide between 32" 16x9 and 34" 21x9 : …
May 2, 2022 · You are going to have more compatibility issues with 21x9; web browsing will be unoptimized but movies and TV are nice with the right chrome extension. If you go 32" 16x9 …
Not like it matters much, but why are 21:9 resolutions so ... - Reddit
I think a part of why there's a bigger emphasis about marketing a 21:9 as a 21:9 instead of a more accurate rounding up ties into the vertical resolutions themselves.
OLED Ultrawide Wallpapers? : r/ultrawidemasterrace - Reddit
Sep 26, 2022 · Welcome to r/ultrawidemasterrace, the hub for Ultrawide enthusiasts. Dive into discussions about game support, productivity, or share your new Ultrawide setup.
What do they mean by this?! Is it true that 45" at 21:9 is ... - Reddit
This is exactly how I feel. My tv is 4k HDR with a 17:9 aspect ratio. I can just sit slightly closer to it (i do) and play in 21:9 because the letterboxing is much less significant when rendering in 21:9 …