Your Prompt-Free AI Assistant, Everywhere
2Slash can read and write content in over 25 languages including English, Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese and many more. We work with all popular models, generate content in various models, utilizing the best tool for each problem. Upload documents and ask them queries, tackling daily work tasks, reducing work time.
How to Get Started with 2Slash
Learn to use 2Slash quickly with our concise guide: download, customize, and generate AI-assisted content effortlessly. Enhance your productivity now!
2Slash - Chrome Web Store
Type "//" in any text field to create emails, social media posts or replies and even summarize long text - all in seconds. Social Media Growth - Elevate your social media influence with tailored...
TwoSlash: ChatGPT Chrome Extension - Bring AI to your fingertips!
With TwoSlash, generating, improving, and translating content has never been easier. Bid farewell to grammar woes as TwoSlash corrects your writing in real-time. Rewrite and summarize content with precision, and effortlessly translate your creations to multiple languages. Say goodbye to coding headaches and embrace the ease of TwoSlash.
Slash (punctuation) - Wikipedia
The slash is a slanting line punctuation mark /. It is also known as a stroke, a solidus, a forward slash and several other historical or technical names. Once used as the equivalent of the modern period and comma, the slash is now used to represent division and fractions, as a date separator, or to connect alternative terms.
2Slash - Product Information, Latest Updates, and Reviews 2025 ...
Introducing FREE Prompts Library - Personalized Prompts for enhanced productivity: Explore our curated library of tailor-made prompts crafted by our engineers. They are designed to help you refine your skills, deepen your knowledge, and achieve results across all mediums. Do you use 2Slash? Review 2Slash?
2Slash 简介:2Slash 是什么
2 Slash 定价, 评论, 替代方案 - AI Productivity
2Slash用简单的命令将任何文本字段转换为智能AI助手。 在任何文本字段或文本区域中键入“ //”,您可以立即激活2Slash的功率。 这种直观而直接的方法是解锁可能性世界的关键。 使用日常语言与我们的AI互动。 提出问题,寻求帮助或提供指示,并见证AI如何实时理解和回应。 将结果无缝整合到您的工作流程中,节省时间并解锁新的可能性。 拥抱AI驱动的见解的力量,以提高您的生产力并取得出色的成果。 1) 该扩展程序可在哪些浏览器上使用? 目前,该扩展程序可在 …
2Slash - Stork
2Slash is an AI-powered tool designed to make your content creation faster and smarter. All you need to do is add the tool to your browser, type "//" in any text field, and voila! It helps you create emails, social media posts, replies, and even summarizes long text in a matter of seconds.
斜杠与反斜杠(slash / backslash)的区分 - CSDN博客
2018年5月24日 · 反斜杠 (backslash):“\”是反斜杠,注意,它的顶端是向后倾斜的。 要将它和普通的斜杠(“/”)区分开来。 斜杠经常会用来在诸如Unix的文件系统中和万维网网址中表示目录和子目录路径等。 很遗憾的是,很多人都把反斜杠(“\”)当做是普通斜杠(“/”)的某种技术用语,错误的使用术语,混淆斜杠和反斜杠的风险让那些足够了解他们的人可以区分他们,但是了解仍不够他们意识到万维网的地址中很少会包含反斜杠(“\”)的。 可参考下列文章: …