Another Russian JUNK-Obzor 1P63 Collimator Review........... - AK …
2011年8月15日 · Freaking Zen, his is solely to blame for my new addiction of current Russian Military grade scopes coming out of the NPZ. I recently acquired 1P63 Obzor, which translated to "view" or "review" in English. This is a zero magnification rapid acquisition reflex sight that is the modernized version...
Another Russian JUNK-Obzor 1P63 Collimator Review...........
2007年4月3日 · AK Discussion Forums. Optics & Accessories. Another Russian JUNK-Obzor 1P63 Collimator Review.....
Russian 1P63 red dot | AK Rifles
2024年11月3日 · Unused 1P63 red dot in excellent condition with complete set, sight serial number is matched with booklet Price: $1,000 included shipping, worldwide shipping
NPZ 1P78 Scope Pics and initial impressions - AK Rifles
2010年1月21日 · I am not sure why he says "solar." Maybe to get around something etc. I can assure you 100% that this optic uses tritium and that it is very bright and new. Same goes with the 1P63. I can leave this scoped in storage for weeks in complete darkness and take it out and it is as bright as ever. Def. not some solar energized glow stuff.
1P63 Obzor Optic (NP3 PK1) - AK Rifles
2023年7月4日 · Optic is clean and clear, comes with matching serial number soft case and manual. Ask for $850 Price is shipped.
Consolidated post/review of the PK series of red dots?
2011年12月25日 · Tx-Zen and others have done some fantatic write ups recently concerning the newer 5.45 calibrated scopes on the market such as the 1P29, 1P78, 1P63 and so on...but is there a consolidated post and/or review for the PK series of red dots sights?
SLR-106UR with Obzor 1P63 Quick Review - Pics Heavy
2012年9月17日 · SLR-106UR with Obzor 1P63 Quick Review - Pics Heavy Jump to Latest Follow 3K views 3 replies 3 participants last post by cgp Sep 17, 2012
Need your help on lNPZ Russian PK-1 Obzor (1P63 Zapev)...
2021年8月16日 · New Member Introductions ... Need your help on lNPZ Russian PK-1 Obzor (1P63 Zapev) Combat Scope
AKSU Optics? MODS: Maybe this should be moved? | AK Rifles
2011年12月29日 · The military version is still called 1P63 "Obzor", which is the offical MOD-awarded GRAU Indice for this model. "Obzor" was actually just the original factory code name for this model used before it was adopted by the Russian military, before it …
Adjusting the Obzor 1P63? | AK Rifles - theakforum.net
2012年6月2日 · Adjusting the Obzor 1P63? Jump to Latest 2.4K views 2 replies 2 participants last post by FeistyCrawfish Jun 3, 2012