Dye stealer 17 DPO - October 2025 Babies - What to Expect
2025年2月7日 · Finally got my dye stealer at 17 DPO! After two previous back to back losses, I’m feeling cautiously optimistic. I also got my betas drawn right when I found out at 9 DPO. 3 weeks 2 days: 26. 3 weeks 4 days: 96. 4 weeks 1 day: 721. I think I’ll stop testing now
17 dpo, 4 days late, BFN. Anyone else? - What to Expect
2018年10月9日 · 17 DPO, BFN... November 07, 2016 | by KayleeJanesMomma. Hey ladies,I'm currently 17 DPO and AF is 4 days ...
17 DPO, Today Yesterday and Monday ... Implantation or Spotting?
2024年3月20日 · So, I'm now 17 dpo. Monday, yesterday and today (3 days) I've literally had such light bleeding/spotting, could this be implantation? I usually have heavy periods that are regular, although the past 3 months now I've had very light spotting/bleeding, but as you can see not enough to fill a pad at all...
17 dpo BFP ..implantation bleeding or miscarriage?
2022年11月17日 · I tested at 15 dpo, faint positive on blue dye. Freq to void, fullness in uterus, lots of cramping, +cm, lots of back discomfort, need to pee all day. 16 dpo darker but still faint positive on pink dye but in the morning, more cramping. Strong symptoms, nausea, fullness tired, peeing like crazy, breast tingling, vivid dreams.
17 DPO - When did you get your first dye stealer?
2023年3月28日 · @Stickybaby2023 Here are my new line Progressions from 17 DPO.Not much Change in First Response. But there is a definite change in Easy@home . At 15 DPO my HCG Beta was 283. Have another blood draw today afternoon . Hoping for the best
Hcg levels @ 17dpo! - September 2022 Babies - What to Expect
2022年1月27日 · Got my blood drawn at 17dpo. My hcg levels were 642. That seemed in the normal range for where I’m at. Nurse called and said levels are low so I need repeat bloodwork. I go tomorrow which will be 96 hours. I was so excited, but nervous now. Anyone have similar hcg levels around 17 dpo (4-5 weeks)?
17 dpo bfn no af?? - Trying to Conceive - What to Expect
2021年4月25日 · 13 DPO, Very faint line no AF November 01, 2024 | by taiolie Hi guys, I’m 13 dpo tracked my ovulation on the 16, 17 and peak ovulation on the 18 with clear blue opks!I’ve been testing negative ( BFN) since 9 DPO, all pregnancy symptoms, except spotting.
17 DPO faint pregnancy test lines - What to Expect
2024年2月28日 · 18 DPO test - need reassurance February 22, 2025 | by littlebird28 I need some reassurance on the darkness of my 18 DPO FRER test.I’m 18 DPO today, due October 28 according to ovulation (Oct 26 according to LMP).
17 Dpo - Am i pregnant? | Forums | What to Expect
2025年2月19日 · Found out I was pregnant at 9 DPO and had 4 blood draws:9 DPO21 hcg11 DPO89 hcg 26.42 progesterone13 DPO283 hcg 26.57 progesterone17 DPO (4 weeks and 3 days according to this app)1297 hcg 18.01 progesteroneIs it a bad sign that progesterone...
17 DPO, CD 35 . Faint line! Need help. - Trying to Conceive
2024年11月1日 · I am 2 days late for my AF. I tested yesterday with FMU at 16 DPO it was faint . Today I tested with FMU at 17 DPO with two different brand tests, but again a faint line. Is it normal to have a faint line at 17 DPO ? Some online articles say" Any positive line, no matter how faint, means your result is pregnant." I am confused!