EECS16B: Designing Information Devices and Systems II, Spring 2024
16A: Reviewing for 16B. Neelesh's 16A Condensed Notes + Practice Problems, Compendium; 16A Official Course Notes (Fall '23) Extra Reference Material [Circuits] Course Reader; Differential Equations for Engineers; Lab. Past Lab tutorials; Oscilloscope cheat sheet; Video Notes. Scalar Diff Eq; Change of Basis; Diagonalization; Systems of Diff Eqs ...
EECS 16B Midterm PRINT your name and student ID: 2024-02-22 16:38:47-08:00 (b)(6 pts.) The differential equation for vC(t) can be written in the following form: dvC(t) dt + avC(t) = u(t) Find expressions for a and u(t) in terms of Ieq, Req, and Ceq. (c)(6 pts.) Suppose that Ieq = 1 mA, Req = 1 kΩ, and Ceq = 1 µF, and that the capacitor is ...
EECS 16B Designing Information Systems and Devices II UC Berkeley Spring 2024 Note 8: Vector Differential Equations 1 Introduction to Vector Differential Equations 1.1 Motivation In the first part of the class we studied how to solve first order linear differential equations. We analyzed in
EECS 16B Midterm PRINT your name and student ID: 2024-02-28 11:39:35-08:00 3.Circuit Potpourri (12 pts.) (a)(3 pts.) Suppose we have voltage v(t) = V0 sin(wt). Let Vebe its phasor representation. Mark all that are true. Veis a real number. Veis a purely imaginary number. jVee 3 would be a valid phasor. Solution: Veis a real number. Veis a ...
EECS16B , Designing Information Devices and Systems II
EECS 16B will first walk students through more advanced circuitry; this first module of the class introduces students to the frequency domain, a tool critical in circuitry and analyzing many real-world systems.
EECS 16B Designing Information Systems and Devices II UC Berkeley Spring 2024 Note 14: Symmetric Matrices and Spectral Theorem 1 Overview In previous notes, we have explored the usefulness of diagonal and diagnolizable matrices. Another useful type of matrix is the symmetric matrix—matrices that are equal to their transpose. In this note, we will
EECS 16B Designing Information Systems and Devices II UC Berkeley Spring 2024 Note 9: Introduction to Controls Starting from this note, the material starts to become a little more mathematically sophisticated. Here are some tips to read more mathematically dense notes (this really applies to papers as well).
EECS 16B Designing Information Devices and Systems II Spring 2021 UC Berkeley Final Exam Read the following instructions before the exam. Good luck on the exam! We know you've worked hard, and we are rooting for you to do well! Our advice to you: if you can't solve a particular problem, move on to another, or try a simpler one. You will perhaps
EECS 16B Designing Information Systems and Devices II UC Berkeley Spring 2024 Note 15: Singular Value Decomposition 1 Singular Value Decomposition First, we will introduce the singular value decomposition (SVD) as a particular matrix factorization. We
EECS 16B Note 2: Transient Analysis and Inputs 2024-01-20 11:03:24-08:00 KeyIdea3(SolvingRecurrenceEquations) When provided a recurrence equation as in eq. (2), we often do not know the value of x(ti−1), i.e. suppose we know the initial condition x(t0). We can findx(ti−1) by applying the recurrence equation again, namely x(ti−1) = x(ti−2)e