how many of you did NOT get your BFP until at least 12 DPO?
2013年5月31日 · I had absolutely nothing at 11 DPO and had major cramping so I was certain my period was coming. I had a really faint line at 12 DPO, I could barely see it. The line got darker and darker each day and I had a positive digital test at 14 DPO.
Symptoms by DPO. AF or BFP??? (please read first post)
2013年2月15日 · 12 Dpo-runny nose,hungry, feels like af is about to arrive,cervix soft and high still..Bfn 13 Dpo-headaches, sharp cramping through the night feels like af will arrive any second. probably tomorrow 99.9% sure im out due to all this AF cramping and stomach aches im …
12 DPO - Lower sharp pains and dull aches - BabyandBump
2010年10月1日 · 12 dpo is late enough you can test, but I would use one that can detect hcg early, I just bought First response that says it detects 6 days early, and came with a free 3rd test! Anyway, you let us all know...
12DPO.. BFN on Clearblue Digital.. is there still hope
2011年8月15日 · I was 12 dpo when I got the faintest positive on an IC and FRER. I didn't bother doing a digital until 14 dpo because with how faint the other tests were I didn't think I'd have a hope of seeing pregnant on it. I had spotting and cramping at 11 dpo and thought for sure AF was coming early but decided to test with an IC the next morning anyways.
12 dpo absolutely NO symptoms - BabyandBump
2012年4月19日 · I think I am 12 dpo, AF is supposed to come Sunday or Monday. NO symptoms whatsoever. I tested 2 days ago, and bfn. I can't even think of one symptom. Maybe today....I ate like a horse, but I always have a hearty appetite right before AF. I don't even feel like testing. I think I'll wait for...
BFN 12 dpo then BFP? - BabyandBump
2014年2月3日 · 9 dpo - I woke up feeling hungover and only had 1 light drink to drink the night before. 10 dpo - STILL AF CRAMPS and breast were tender but they don't look bigger. (I don't ever get breast tenderness as a pms) symptom)
FRER - 12 DPO - BFN - Gutted - BabyandBump
2011年4月17日 · Hey hun, just because its negative then doesnt mean your out. I am starting to realise FRER is not the wonder test it is made out to be and often for many people does not show up to much later. I tested at 13dpo with one and got nagative but i still think i'm in and other people have had negatives with them up to 17 or so dpo.
Your DPO---&&---Symptoms!!---*15 BFPs!!!* - BabyandBump
2011年10月24日 · 6 dpo - felt sickly in the AM, gas pains, very soft stool, white creamy cm, twinges in uterus 7 dpo - sides of bbs are sore, off and on, cramps 8 dpo - white creamy cm, vivid dream 9 dpo - sides of bbs sore on and off 10 dpo - 11 dpo - 12 dpo - AF due
low back pain at 12 dpo??? - BabyandBump
2010年10月19日 · I am 12 days dpo and experiencing back pain for past 4 days. Also had stomach pain and vomiting on 8 dpo. Other symptoms are tiredness and metallic taste in mouth. Not tested till now, maybe it's too early. So will wait for missed period.
12 dpo and feel like AF is coming - BabyandBump
2011年2月1日 · 12 dpo now and all day I've felt like AF is coming any second! She's due on the 9th. Had what I hoped was implantation bleeding on Saturday, just a little pink cm and then nothing else but today I'm cramping and all gurgly tonight so I'm thinking this must be af.