Financial Administration and Program Series 0501 - U.S. Office of ...
Financial Administration and Program Series, 0501 Individual Occupational Requirements. There are no Individual Occupational Requirements for this series.
Financial Administration 0501 . Accounting 0510 . Auditing 0511 . Budget Analysis 0560 . Professional and Administrative Work in the Accounting, Auditing, and Budget Group, 0500 November 2019 U.S. Office of Personnel Management 3. Modifications to and Cancellations of
are classified in the Financial Administration and Program Series, GS-0501. 3. Positions the duties of which are to manage, direct, or to assist in managing or directing, one or more operating programs when the paramount qualification requirement is management and executive ability and knowledge, rather than competence in financial
Code Explanation From Through; 001: Cancellation. (Cancellation) 06/01/1972 Present 002: Correction. (Correction) 06/01/1972 Present 023
General Schedule Qualification Standards - U.S. Office of …
0501: Financial Administration and Program Series GS-5/7 0503: Financial Clerical and Assistance Program Series 0505: Financial Management Series 0510: Accounting Series: X 0511: Auditing Series: X 0512: Internal Revenue Agent Series: X 0525: Accounting Technician Series 0526: Tax Specialist Series GS-5/7 0530
PAY PLAN - United States Office of Personnel Management
Code Explanation From Through; KT: Government Printing Office negotiated rates for printing plant workers, 80% Code is for use by the Government Printing Office only
Pay Plans - U.S. Office of Personnel Management
Fact Sheet: Pay Plans Definition. A pay plan is a two-digit alphabetical code used to identify Federal civilian pay systems. The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) approves pay plan codes for agency use.
Chapter 9: Career and Career-Conditional Appointments. 3 . Chapter 9: The Guide to Processing Personnel Actions . c. Changes to the work schedule or the number of hours.
Appeal Decisions - U.S. Office of Personnel Management
OPM Decision Numbers. An OPM decision number identifies decisions. The 12-character decision number is made up of C (for classification appeal), 4 digits for the OPM-certified occupational series of the position, 2 digits for the OPM-certified grade of the position, and 2 digits for the number of the decision for that particular series and grade.
Clerical and Technical Accounting and Budget Work, GS-0500C HRCD-4 December 1997 Titling: The basic titles for positions in this series are: Accounts Maintenance Clerk - This title covers all nonsupervisory positions GS-4 and below. Accounting Technician - This title covers all nonsupervisory positions GS-5 and above. $ Cash Processing Series, GS-0530