ZBD-04 - Wikipedia
The ZBD-04A (industrial designation WZ502G, sometimes referred to as ZBD-08) is an improved variant that sacrifices amphibious performance for better armor protection; add-on armor can be fitted, and the frontal arc can withstand 30 mm rounds along with side skirts added.
ZBD-04A Chinese Amphibious Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV)
The ZBD-04A is an upgraded version of the ZBD-04. It forms the base platform for several other vehicles and carries improved armor but reduced mobility over the ZBD-04.
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network - United States Army
Besides the infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) variant, an armored recovery vehicle (ARV) variant is also available. A further improved variant is known as the ZBD-04A. The ZBD-04 has a crew of...
ZBD-04A Tracked Infantry Fighting Vehicle - Army Technology
2019年10月14日 · ZBD-04A is an advanced tracked armoured infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) developed by China North Industries Corporation (NORINCO) for the People’s Liberation Army (PLA). It is an improved variant of the ZBD-04 vehicle.
ZBD-04步兵战车 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
ZBD-04步兵战车有良好的機動性而能跟隨主戰坦克後面,作為裝甲第二梯隊把步兵送往戰場,當步兵下車戰鬥後,拥有较强火力性能的ZBD-04步兵战车也能當成輕型坦克使用。 具备两栖作战能力,能快速泛水、抢滩登陆和突击,這是因為ZBD-04步兵战车要兼顧渡海登陸作戰的需要。 其車重較輕以方便用大型運輸機空運,在被称为“502改”的改进型ZBD-04A步兵战车上附加裝甲補償 …
中国装备志——ZBD-04型履带式装甲步兵车 - 知乎
04A式 作为第一种改进型删减更换了不少设备,主要是防御方面车体正面可抵御30毫米的穿甲燃烧弹,侧面可抵御14.5毫米的穿甲燃烧弹,背面与炮塔顶则可以防御7.62毫米的穿甲弹以及炮弹碎片,结合三军发展改进了不合理的部分,并为保证在河流中行驶的安全性,在防浪板上额外开了四个小型防弹玻璃窗。 04B型 则是最新改进型,在A型的基础上进一步增强了防护性,加大了车辆 …
ZBD04A - War Thunder Wiki
Introduced in Update "Alpha Strike", the ZBD04A provides a much-needed autocannon-equipped IFV for Chinese lineups. Equipped with a superior FCS, impressive mobility for its size, and a diverse array of domestic and licensed ammunition based on the BMP-3, the ZBD04A can be a formidable flanker or a valuable supporting vehicle for advancing allies.
ZBD-97 (ZBD-04) Infantry Fighting Vehicle (1997)
The ZBD-04A is an advanced version which focused of better passie protection through addon armour panels, bolt-on the hull sides. They are composite and provides enough resistance against rocket-propelled grenades (RPG) and anti-tank guided missiles (ATGM).
Winchester Model 04A | Rimfire Central Firearm Forum
2015年11月29日 · Seeking info on the Model 04A. Mine was my grandfathers. It appears to be a youth model based on stock size. What were the years of manufacture? I...
ZBD-04 | Military Wiki | Fandom
Besides the infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) variant, an armored recovery vehicle (ARV) variant is also available. A further improved variant is known as the ZBD-04A. The ZBD-04 has a crew of three (a commander, a driver, and a gunner) and is able to carry seven troops.