ZBD-04 - Wikipedia
The ZBD-04A (industrial designation WZ502G, sometimes referred to as ZBD-08) is an improved variant that sacrifices amphibious performance for better armor protection; add-on armor can …
ZBD-04A Chinese Amphibious Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV)
The ZBD-04A is an upgraded version of the ZBD-04. It forms the base platform for several other vehicles and carries improved armor but reduced mobility over the ZBD-04.
ODIN - OE Data Integration Network - United States Army
Besides the infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) variant, an armored recovery vehicle (ARV) variant is also available. A further improved variant is known as the ZBD-04A. The ZBD-04 has a crew of...
ZBD-04A Tracked Infantry Fighting Vehicle - Army Technology
2019年10月14日 · ZBD-04A is an advanced tracked armoured infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) developed by China North Industries Corporation (NORINCO) for the People’s Liberation Army …
ZBD-04步兵战车 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
ZBD-04步兵战车有良好的機動性而能跟隨主戰坦克後面,作為裝甲第二梯隊把步兵送往戰場,當步兵下車戰鬥後,拥有较强火力性能的ZBD-04步兵战车也能當成輕型坦克使用。 具备两栖作战 …
中国装备志——ZBD-04型履带式装甲步兵车 - 知乎
04A式 作为第一种改进型删减更换了不少设备,主要是防御方面车体正面可抵御30毫米的穿甲燃烧弹,侧面可抵御14.5毫米的穿甲燃烧弹,背面与炮塔顶则可以防御7.62毫米的穿甲弹以及炮弹 …
ZBD04A - War Thunder Wiki
Introduced in Update "Alpha Strike", the ZBD04A provides a much-needed autocannon-equipped IFV for Chinese lineups. Equipped with a superior FCS, impressive mobility for its size, and a …
ZBD-97 (ZBD-04) Infantry Fighting Vehicle (1997)
The ZBD-04A is an advanced version which focused of better passie protection through addon armour panels, bolt-on the hull sides. They are composite and provides enough resistance …
Winchester Model 04A | Rimfire Central Firearm Forum
2015年11月29日 · Seeking info on the Model 04A. Mine was my grandfathers. It appears to be a youth model based on stock size. What were the years of manufacture? I...
ZBD-04 | Military Wiki | Fandom
Besides the infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) variant, an armored recovery vehicle (ARV) variant is also available. A further improved variant is known as the ZBD-04A. The ZBD-04 has a crew …