Ubuntu 上最好用的中文输入法是什么? - 知乎
What is 0.04% into a fraction? - Socratic
2018年3月7日 · 0.04% = 1/2500 Given: 0.04% Percent means of 100, so .04% = .04/100 = 0.0004 .4 = 4/10 = 2/5 .04 = 4/100 ...
ubuntu 20.04和18.04哪个好一点? - 知乎
看你的使用场景,如果本地环境用到软件和库不是很多,常规使用那么用20.04,新版在性能上比18.04提升15%左右。 如果用到环境比较复杂,软件库用得比较多,可能18.04会比较合适, …
2025年 3月 CPU天梯图(更新锐龙7 9800X3D) - 知乎
cpu天梯图更注重综合性能,只具有参考意义,选择cpu要根据需求选择。 生产力用户更偏重多核性能,可以参考综合性能天梯图
o1、GPT4、GPT4o 这三个有什么区别? - 知乎
从模型的基本特性来看,OpenAI o1于2024年上线,包含o1-preview和o1-mini两个版本。. o1-preview推理功能比较完整,在应对复杂任务时游刃有余;o1-mini经济高效,专注编码、数学 …
What is the square root of 0.04? - Socratic
2018年3月15日 · Another approach is to change to standard form,providing the power of 10 is even #0.04=4xx10^(-2)# #:. sqrt0.04=sqrt(4xx10^(-2)#
modbus 协议 功能码 03 和 04的区别? - 知乎
看来不少人碰到这个问题,按照MODBUS对寄存器的分类,电流、电压值属于模拟量,只能读不能写,属于输入寄存器类别,这里严格讲只能用04功能码。本人也碰到不少产品里就是用03在 …
How would you calculate the partial pressure of CO2, given an ...
2015年12月8日 · In this case, air is said to be #0.04%# carbon dioxide. This means that in every #100# molecules of air, #0.04# will be #"CO"_2# molecules. For example, the number of …
How do you write 0.04% as a decimal? - Socratic
2018年3月7日 · 0.04% = 0.0004 Whenever changing a percentage to a decimal, move the decimal point 2 places to the left before removing the % sign. Make sure to add any missing …
Dominic earns $285 per week plus an 8% mission rate on all
2016年10月6日 · His Total earning for the week is=622.04 His earning =$285 His mission is =8% His total sales is =$4,213 Then His Total earning for the week is = His earnings + His mission …