277 fury | Long Range Hunting Forum – Expert Gear Reviews
Dec 18, 2019 · Sig sauer is releasing a new rifle and cartridge at shot show the 277 fury Sure looks like a 270 prc to me...
.277 fury and sig accubond 150 grain - Long Range Hunting Forum
Dec 16, 2018 · Anyone have any experience with the .277 fury or the 150 nosler accubond bullet it uses for hunting? I ordered a .277 fury and some sig ammo. I mainly use Berger or eldx bullets on my other calibers and have had great results, but I have been wanting to try some bonded bullets like the nosler...
277 Fury Remington 700 - Long Range Hunting Forum
Apr 26, 2020 · Would a Remington 700 hold up to the pressure of the 277 fury? I have a 22-250 I want to rechamber to a 16 inch hunting rifle. This cartridge looks like a good candidate and after seeing they already have reamers out for it was hoping it would work with a 700 short action without blowing it apart.
.277 Fury | Hunt Talk
Feb 7, 2014 · Sig Sauer has pumped up the .277 Fury as the next big thing, using 80000 psi to push 140gr pills at 3000fps from a 16" barrel (~3240fps from a 24" barrel). However, there's still very limited user data out there on the cartridge. Any Hunt Talkers out there know anything more on one of the newest...
277 Fury | Long Range Hunting Forum – Expert Gear Reviews
Jan 29, 2024 · 277 Fury. Does it still exist? Or maybe you are looking for a 277/308. I just finished building one. [ 27-08 ]
Reloading for the new .277 Fury from Sig - Long Range Hunting …
Apr 22, 2022 · The Sig .277 Fury is the civilian lower power version manufactured by Sig for civilian use. I mention this because some folks may think that they may be able to get their hands on the military 6.8 fired cases to reload.
Reloading the new 6.8x51 Sig Fury .277 - AR15.COM
Apr 2, 2024 · Firearm Discussion and Resources from AR-15, AK-47, Handguns and more! Buy, Sell, and Trade your Firearms and Gear.
How bad is the 7 backcountry? - Long Range Hunting Forum
Jun 20, 2023 · You can order a 277 fury pre-fit and have it in a month or 2. I see there are reamers and I know it's SAAMI, and dies are available now also...but cases are around, but look like once fired, some saying they don't have the steel head, but have a brass one. Sounds like it's ahead of the 7 BC as...
277 fury | Page 3 - Long Range Hunting Forum
Dec 18, 2019 · Forgive me for being dense, but I cant seem to tell, is the 277 furry SA or LA?
277 fury | Page 5 | Long Range Hunting Forum
Dec 18, 2019 · Here's a promo from 1985 for Everlasting steel head cases: "Everlasting" stainless-brass cases; the new two-piece "steelhead" cartridge cases offer reloading versatility in either standard or wildcat calibers. "Steelheads" is the name given to a radical new style of cartridge case offered by O'Connor Rifle Products Co., Ltd. (Rt. 1, Box 572, Dept. GA, Edisto …