Scopus offers a free lookup form for authors to search and manage their profiles.
The Author details page provides the author name, associated affiliations, Scopus Author ID information, and other name formats. To view and author’s other name formats, affiliation history, and subject areas click 'Show all author info'.
Search for authors and their publications on Scopus.
Scopus is a comprehensive database of abstracts and citations for academic journal articles.
Check, Correct, Submit: How to ensure accuracy in your Scopus …
2016年6月24日 · The Scopus to ORCID workflow additionally allows you to send your Scopus author ID and list of publications to your ORCID profile. Your ORCID number then becomes connected to your profile within Scopus.
An improved way to check your Scopus Author Profile!
2018年4月4日 · We are excited to announce the redesigned Scopus Author Feedback Wizard, enabling users to easily review their Scopus Author Profile and submit corrections. Your Scopus Author Profile (automatically created by Scopus) showcases various indicators including number of citations, publication history and h-index.
Author Profiles | Elsevier Scopus Blog
2017年12月8日 · Here’s a way you can use tools on the Scopus author profile page to determine which sources an author cites most frequently. Perform an <Author Search> and search for the author of interest; Find the correct author from the results list and click on the author’s name
What’s on your profile page? A tip to check and correct your
Use the author feedback form (www.scopus.com/authorfeedback) Both options provide simple step-by-step instructions that not only walk you through verifying each record associated with your name and locating any missing items, but also allow you to determine your preferred name.
Affiliation Details - Scopus
The affiliation details page provides an address, name variants, and the affiliation ID. For an advanced search, you can search using an affiliation ID with the code: AF-ID (eight-digit ID number) You can search using the Scopus Affiliation Identifier from the Affiliation, Author, and Advanced search forms.
Author Identifiers | Elsevier Scopus Blog
2018年4月4日 · A new Scopus feature provides improved clarity on which author(s) contributed to research content. Author full names, now included on select Scopus screen views, will allow articles to be attributed more specifically by providing complete names.