Why is "math" always pluralized in British English but singular in ...
2011年2月9日 · The abbreviation Math. goes back to at least 1795, and the abbreviation Maths. to at least 1839, but occurrences do not strictly follow today's regional preferences: the two …
"Maths" for "Mathematics"; where does the S come from?
2014年5月17日 · The Online Etymology Dictionary instead states that the American math first appeared in 1890 while the British maths is attested from 1911. Wikipedia has this to say on …
word choice - Which is correct: "math" or "maths"? - English …
2011年8月26日 · If you grew up in a place that uses "maths" then you will and it will be considered correct. (Source = me, from UK, and we say "maths" as it's a contraction of mathematics. And …
apostrophe - How is a' in mathematics pronounced? - English …
2011年8月5日 · As @waiwai933 said, the answer is A prime, A double prime, ans so on.As usual, Wikipedia has more details. In French (and probably other languages), double prime, triple …
How to read exponential expressions, e.g., "2^16"?
2012年7月11日 · The more common way to say it (in math class or in a mathematical presentation) is a ellipsis of the first: two to the sixteenth. or just as commonly. two to the …
"Sport" vs "Sports" Origin - English Language & Usage Stack …
2014年12月10日 · I was recently reading this article on the use of "math" vs. "maths" as a collective noun (Americans use the former, Brits the latter). However, the trend seen in …
"Between A and B" or "from A to B" - English Language & Usage …
This is spot on, though I would qualify it by saying that the particular example you chose (1-10) as well as 1 to other common round numbers (e.g. 1-100) are very commonly inclusive, …
Usage of the word "orthogonal" outside of mathematics
2011年2月11日 · I thought "normal" was related to the number 1 in math. Examples would include an orthonormal basis consisting of vectors of length 1, and the gradients of 2 normal lines …
Saying "into" instead of "times" when talking about multiplication
2019年10月9日 · This is an archaism that survives in Indian English. When I learned the times tables in the 70s, this is how I did it: "1 into 1 is 1", "1 into 2 is 2" etc.
numbers - English words for specific positive integers (e.g. dozen ...
2014年11月10日 · Dozen = 12 Score = 20 Gross = 144 Grand = 1000 Myriad = 10,000 Googol = 10¹⁰⁰ Googolplex = 10Googol Indian English: Lakh = 100,000 and Crore = 10,000,000.