Expected value of integral = integral of expected value? - Physics …
2010年6月13日 · The expected value is going to be a number, as is the integral of a function, and integrating/taking the expected value of a constant is kind of a weird thing to do Jun 13, 2010 #4
Write a Linear Equation for the Value of this Printer Over Time
2021年6月23日 · Write a linear equation. A school district purchases a high-volume printer, copier, and scanner for $24,000. After 10 years, the equipment will have to be replaced. Its …
What is the Linear Equation for Dollar Value of a Product Over Time?
2021年6月23日 · You are given the dollar value of a product in 2016 and the rate at which the value of the product is expected to change during the next 5 years. Use this information to …
Find the expected value of a coin flipping game - Physics Forums
2021年11月9日 · summary: you toss six coins. if you have 3 heads, you don't get any money. if you have 4 or more heads, you get the number of heads amount of dollars. if you have 2 or …
Dark Energy: What is the expected form of the equation? - Physics …
2015年12月9日 · In summary, the expected equation for total dark energy in the universe as a function of the size of the universe is still under debate and research. The current best …
How do I find the variance of p for a given wave function?
2009年9月14日 · For the variance, you need to find <p> and <p 2 >, then σ 2 =<p 2 >-(<p>) 2.With [tex]\psi(x)=A(a^{2}-x^{2})[/tex] You should use
Why Does the Atwood Machine Equation Deviate from Expected …
2011年10月14日 · In this equation, take the quantity (m1−m2)g as the y variable and the acceleration a as the x variable. This makes the equation linear. What does the slope and the …
Finding E[X^2] from a given random variable with distinct …
2011年4月15日 · You correctly computed the expected value of [itex] X^2 [/itex] To compute the variance you must also compute the second term in [itex] Var(X) = E(X^2) - E(X)^2 [/itex] …
Expectations on the product of two dependent random variables
2008年12月1日 · Thanks Statdad. But I want to work out a proof of Expectation that involves two dependent variables, i.e. X and Y, such that the final expression would involve the E(X), E(Y) …
Most likely location of a particle versus expected value of
2018年10月1日 · In general, the expected value is the mean (or average) and the most likely is called the mode. As a simple example, the expected value of the roll of a die is 3.5, although …