terminology - How does one read very loud or very soft dynamic …
Sometimes, scores contain notations like "fff", which presumably indicates that the section in question should be one dynamic level louder than "ff", or "fortissimo". In my limited musical perform...
notation - Why were dynamic markings not really used in the …
2019年1月5日 · Except for the harpsichord, all other instruments have a sizeable dynamic range, and could and can do dynamics. The composers however were often part of the ensemble and knew when to play loudly or softly, didn't have the time to make specific markings, or simply trusted in their fellow musicians' common sense.
technique - Dynamic markings in harpsichord music - Music: …
2021年7月27日 · From the very start, harpsichordists are expected to be able to participate in dynamic contrasts. Most often, a skilled continuo player knows how to alter their interpretation and technique as dynamics come and go, e.g. playing more or fewer notes, voicing chords more densely or sparsely, rolling chords more leisurely or simultaneously ...
Dynamic markings and relative sound levels of instuments
In one extreme dynamic markings could be absolute, as in "how it should sound like from audience perspective". In another extreme I can imagine making the markings being very detailed including changes when the instrument enters its quiet register, as in "how it should be played". How should dynamics be marked and understood?
Where should dynamics marking be written? - theory
Dynamic markings should always go below (unless if there's multiple voices on one staff and you want to have different dynamics for each voice) Tempo markings always apply to the whole system, i.e. they go above the highest staff (normally the piano in this case)
notation - Can I use general dynamic markings for an ensemble, …
2016年6月3日 · The markings on each part must be complete in themselves, as @joseem said. Professional-quality notation software like Sibelius and Finale has short-cut commands to copy the same markings quickly to several staves (or all the staves) in a score.
piano - What staff affected by a dynamic mark? - Music: Practice ...
2015年1月15日 · If, for example, the right ringfinger and pinky might have alternating sixteenth notes played pianissimo while other right-hand fingers joined the left hand in playing a main melody mezzo-forte, putting the dynamic for the "frilly" part above the staff would seem clearer than writing it below but somehow excluding certain notes from its effects.
Converting expression markings to "music character style" in Sibelius
2021年4月19日 · 'That' is the solution mentioned in the OP's reply - "Figured it out: the font is "Opus Text Std" in the Inspector after using Shift + Alt + D to select all expression markings and hairpins." In the unlikely event of the link to 'Of Note' dying, revert to my basic answer 'Use the plugin Change Dynamics'. I'll clarify my answer. Thanks. –
To which notes do dynamics notation apply? (eg. pp)
2015年1月24日 · (1) Exactly, "until instructed otherwise" - the instruction lasts until the end of the piece if there are no more dynamic markings. (2) There is no such thing as 'playing normally' - a piece should have a dynamic marking on the very first note. If it doesn't I would probably assume mezzo-forte but this is speculation only, there is no convention.
Notating Dynamics for Drum Kit - Music: Practice & Theory Stack …
2020年12月21日 · I'm currently finishing an arrangement in Sibelius. One of the last things I'm adding is dynamic markings. For context, there is a string section, an electric guitar, electric bass, piano and vocals in the score. I have a good understanding of dynamics in general, but a poor understanding when it comes to percussion.