What combat level should I do dream mentor? : r/2007scape
I'm 80 with 61 att 70 str and 60 def. Wear dragon, take a super combat potion, full inventory of sharks or better and a couple Sara brews (and thus restores) and you should be fine
What's the secret to doing dream mentor quest? : r/2007scape
2021年8月18日 · Thats how ive always managed to do dream mentor Reply reply writetowinwin • Get it to 68 (shouldn't take ...
Recommended stats/gear for Dream Mentor bosses : r/ironscape
Recommended stats/gear for Dream Mentor bosses Question Hey everyone, I'm a HCIM and I went to get my account as far as I can without dying and hopefully (but probably not based on skill issue) get into the late game PvM while retaining hardcore status but I'm still very much a noob in early game and want to complete Dream Mentor to get some of ...
Any tips? going for Dream Mentor and 70+ all stats atm
2020年5月4日 · Dream mentor and the quest after it is a pain in the ass. Good luck. ... Also feel free to post for OSRS ...
Dream Mentor quest bug or am I doing it wrong? : r/2007scape
2023年1月3日 · I am stumped with a possible bug I have on the Dream Mentor quest. I created the Potion of Shared Dreaming last night and gave it to Cyrisus and lit the fire. I wasn't ready to fight and decided to log out for the night. I logged in today to finish the quest and went to light the fire, but my dialog chat with him says we still need to make the ...
What are the most important quests to do? : r/runescape - Reddit
Desert Treasure - Lunar Diplomacy - Dream Mentor: For all I know you have these already but if not this gets you the best combat spells in the form of ancient magics, which are expanded upon by The Light Within. While Lunar Diplomacy gets you the lunar magic skilling spellbook and Dream Mentor expands on the spells in that book
Dream mentor tips : r/ironscape - Reddit
2019年3月26日 · You use tank armor at Dream Mentor because the Inadequacy has lvl 1 magic and 0 magic defense, so you dont gain much accuracy from having high magic attack bonus, but you can gain a ton of defense. Allowing you to survive longer with a marginal decrease in dps.
Dream mentor at 85 combat? : r/2007scape - Reddit
2014年7月22日 · So I am one quest away from the quest cape and it is dream mentor. Now i'm a little worried with my stats i won't be able to complete the boss fights at the end of the quest. I plan on safe spotting the 2nd and 3rd fights but it's the inadequacy i'm worried about. With 68 atk, 71 str, and 66 defence will it be possible or should i train up a bit?
Dream Mentor Quest Locked : r/2007scape - Reddit
2023年5月28日 · I was in the process of completing Dream mentor so I can do Dragon slayer 2 an essential quest for the entire game. Unfortunately I will never be able to do the quest because of a bug. If you make the dream potion during dream mentor quest before the boss and put it in your bank, the potion will bug out and turn into a "Vial of water."
Dream mentor boss fight : r/ironscape - Reddit
2021年12月24日 · The official subreddit for discussing Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms, a Dungeons & Dragons strategy video game that brings together D&D characters from novels, adventures, and multiple live streams into a single grand adventure.