Was Jesus Black? - Bible Study
Considering the Biblical description and racial characteristics given us by secular history, the evidence points to the fact that Jesus was not black or African in ancestry or looks. The …
Who Were Jesus' First Disciples? - Bible Study
Jesus first moved from Nazareth to the city when he began his public ministry (Matthew 4:13 - 16). The disciples who lived near each other were James, John, Matthew, Andrew, Peter and …
Bible Maps, Timelines, Genealogies and Pictures - Bible Study
Access free Biblical maps, timelines, genealogies, pictures, charts and lineages to enhance your study of God's word.
Book of Joel Fascinating Facts! - Bible Study
The fascinating book of Joel is an Old Testament writing focused on prophecy. It discusses and alludes to several prophetic events to come before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. …
Prophetic Empires Timeline - Babylon to Rome's Restoration
Lastly, God showed the Apostle John visions of a woman riding a beast with seven heads and ten horns (Revelation 13:1 - 8, 17). It reveals, through symbolism, the world empires that would …
What Did the Romans Write about Jesus? - Bible Study
Justin, later in his Apology, discusses several of Jesus' miracles and asserts that they, too, were recorded by Pilate in official reports. We can safely assume that if Justin (along with Tertullian, …
Miracles of Jesus Timeline - Bible Study
38. Jesus, on the Friday before his death, curses a fig tree (Mark 11:12 - 14, 20 - 22, Matthew 21:19 - 22). The tree dies and is noticed by the disciples the next day. April 5. 39. Jesus is …
Family Tree of Jesus Chart - Bible Study
This made their children, Jesus and his six half-siblings and John the Baptist, second cousins! "Though Elisabeth (Elizabeth) was, on the father's side, of the daughters of Aaron (v. 5), yet …
Life of Peter Timeline - Bible Study
Jesus then launches into his longest revealing of end time events known as the Mount of Olives prophecies (Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21). Interestingly, while Matthew and Luke state that …
Abraham's Family Tree Chart - Bible Study
After wrestling with a man all night (who was actually Jesus is human form) Jacob's name is changed to Israel (Genesis 32). The children born through Jacob, in their birth order, are …