"Why it is" vs "Why is it" - English Language & Usage Stack …
2013年11月7日 · The question: "Why is [etc.]" is a question form in English: Why is the sky blue? Why is it that children require so much attention? Why is it [or some thing] like that? When that form is put into what is called indirect speech, it becomes: Please tell me why the sky is blue. Please tell me why children require so much attention.
grammar - Is "For why" improper English? - English Language
2018年12月4日 · "For why" (also hyphenated or written as one word) meaning "why" as a direct interrogative was used in Old and Middle English (see the MED's entry), but it became obsolete sometime around the year 1500. Other senses of the expression (for example, it was used as a conjunction meaning "because") gradually over time all dropped out of use, so the ...
writing - "that's why" in formal essays - English Language & Usage ...
2012年12月10日 · Towards the end of the century, that is why was predominantly the phrase to use. In the 1950s, there was a trend reversal so that about 1982, that's why seems to have started gaining wider acceptance and usage. We may have to infer that today, writers prefer the contraction over the longer idiomatic phrase.
Why is “bloody” considered offensive in the UK but not in the US?
2022年7月22日 · As to why "Bloody" is considered obscene/profane in the UK more than in the US, I think that's a reflection of a stronger Catholic presence, historically, in the UK than in the US, if we're accepting the above etymology, as Catholics venerate the Virgin to …
Is it true that "tuppence" refers to a woman's vagina in British ...
I was looking up a definition online, as I often do, in this case the British slang word tuppence; I got the standard "a slang reference to a coin denomination" definition from Wikipedia,...
pronunciation - What's the rule for pronouncing “’s” as /z/ or /s ...
2016年2月18日 · If the final sound in the base of the word is voiced, we use the voiced alveolar sibilant /z/. If the last sound in the base is an unvoiced consonant, we use /s/.
etymology - Why is "victuals" pronounced "vittles"? - English …
Why is Erdős' conjecture on arithmetic progressions not discussed much, and is there an active pathway to its resolution? Why are the download sizes so much bigger than they actually are? In a 'floating' world over bottomless depths, what keeps the air up?
How did the letter Z come to be associated with sleeping/snoring?
2011年5月26日 · See also Why Does ZZZ mean sleep? for another theory: The reason zzz came into being is that the comic strip artists just couldn’t represent sleeping with much. ... As the sounds made while sleeping are quite difficult to represent with letters, the artists chose zzz, because it best represents the sound ...
nouns - Etymology of "history" and why the "hi-" prefix? - English ...
2012年12月22日 · That’s why, even if the origins of the word “history” are clear, the question of who gets to decide which version of the past is the right one remains a contentious debate centuries after the term came to be. “The narrative element has always been there,” Zimmer says.
Why's a call option called 'call', and put option called 'put'?
2019年1月12日 · An option in this context is a right to do something, so it makes sense to describe the option in terms of that right: a Put option is the right to put (sell) a security and a Call option is the right to call (buy) a security.