Multiple Myeloma: Symptoms, What It Is, Prognosis & Treatment
Multiple myeloma happens when healthy plasma cells become abnormal cells that multiply and produce abnormal antibodies. This change starts a cascade of medical issues and conditions that can affect your bones, your kidneys and your body’s ability to make healthy red and white blood cells and platelets.
Every Loss Counts in Millimeter-Wave Measurements
2021年4月6日 · At millimeter-wave (mmWave) frequencies, excessive path loss makes RF power limited and costly. Any skew in a flange connection can cause unwanted reflections that degrade signal quality and power.
2024年8月28日 · MM causes both generalized bone loss throughout the body as well as areas of bone destruction (called "lytic lesions" on X-ray) in specific areas. The tumor cells, which typically originate in the bone marrow, can extend into bone and form what are referred to as "plasmacytomas."
Multiple Myeloma Lab Results Explained - HealthTree
Multiple myeloma is a blood cancer of white blood cells called plasma cells. Plasma cells come from the bone marrow and produce antibodies (also called immunoglobulins) that fight a wide variety of infections.
Multiple Myeloma: Practice Essentials, Pathophysiology, Etiology - Medscape
2024年11月2日 · Multiple myeloma (MM) is a debilitating malignancy that is part of a spectrum of diseases ranging from monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance (MGUS) to plasma cell leukemia....
Multiple Myeloma - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
2023年1月30日 · Multiple myeloma is a clonal plasma cell proliferative disorder characterized by the abnormal increase of monoclonal paraprotein leading to evidence of specific end-organ damage. The consequences of undiagnosed disease are severe. This activity reviews the underlying cause, presentation, diagnosis, and treatment of multiple myeloma.
Lifestyle considerations in multiple myeloma | Blood Cancer …
2021年10月26日 · MM is characterized by a significant symptom burden and a relatively lower QOL compared to other cancers. This review evaluates the role of healthy lifestyle behaviors in improving both the...
Multiple Myeloma: Symptoms and Causes - Healthline
2024年5月23日 · Multiple myeloma is a rare type of cancer that affects your bone marrow and changes your blood’s plasma cells. There are several signs and symptoms, including fatigue, frequent infections, and...
Monoclonal Protein Concentration and Risk of Multiple Myeloma: …
2023年11月2日 · To provide an accurate prognosis, monoclonal protein (M-protein) concentration has been used to assess risk of progression to myeloma. Current risk models developed from stored serum samples in a predominately white population of patients indicated a low risk of progression (less than 1% per year) in patients with M-protein of <1.5 g/dL.
Is the Pathloss Larger at mmWave Frequencies?
2019年10月29日 · So why is the signal range shorter in mmWave bands? The main reasons for the shorter range are: Larger propagation losses in non-line-of-sight scenarios, for example, due to less scattering (fewer propagation paths) and larger penetration losses. The use more bandwidth, which leads to lower SNR.