Mexican Vultures | Page 3 - CattleToday.com
2013年3月20日 · Is "Mexican Vulture" actually code for illegal alien? No they are actually a Vulture that will attack in large number's. Several will distract the cow while others kill the calf. They will also cause the cow to trample the calf to death defending the calf from them.
Buzzards/Turkey Vultures - CattleToday.com
2009年2月16日 · Right now they are supporting us taking out the Mexican Buzzards who are not native and gouge out the eyes of calves. Turkey buzzards are friend. Mexican buzzards are foe. There are many threads in these boards describing the difference. Mexican buzzards have heads similar in appearance to a crow and white on their wings.
Sittin on the Front Porch - CattleToday.com
2013年1月17日 · If today hasn't had enough excitement already dang Mexican Vulture's are after two newborn's. I am sitting on the front porch with my laptop. I have seen several piles of feathers in the last hour, trying to figure out what keeps making them feathers. Just wish I could get in shotgun range of...
And the nightmare continues... | Page 2 - CattleToday.com
2016年5月4日 · Very efficient TT. A dead mexican vulture placed in the open will deter there buddies from sticking around. Does it actually work though? Heard the same thing about crows up here all my life, but Ill shoot one and hang it in a tree and shortly after more crows will be …
Black Vultures | CattleToday.com - Cattle, Cow & Ranching …
2015年2月14日 · and slow on the ground aren't aggressive. The Mexican Vulture will run them plum off. Had a cow trample a calf few years back trying to defend the calf. Bet there were 30 attacking from every angle when I discovered the ruckus.
Mexican Vultures | Page 2 - CattleToday.com
2013年4月4日 · When they are on the attack, turkey buzzards will hang with them but hang back. It can be hard to tell from a distance. If you see those turkey buzzards, don't assume there are no Mexican Vultures. They'll be attacking the calf and distracting the …
Mexican Vultures Try to Kill Newborn Calf - CattleToday.com
2014年5月22日 · Cowgirl8 You do as you please. I will keep on with I do. They may get one of mine but I have got lots of them. The more distance the bigger the gun. A 300 Winchester Mag will really reach out and touch them.
Vultures | CattleToday.com - Cattle, Cow & Ranching Community
2016年8月23日 · Vile, nasty creatures. And yet somehow kind of cool in a creepy sort of way. Keeping watch over the lake for unsuspecting prey.
Buzzards | CattleToday.com - Cattle, Cow & Ranching Community
2020年2月25日 · The old turkey buzzard serves a purpose, the Mexican Vulture is as bad as hogs IMO. Click to expand... From what I have seen the black headed ones have pretty much replaced the turkey buzzards.
Buzzards killing mature cows | Page 3 - CattleToday.com
2023年4月21日 · The problem is that poison is non discriminatory. Guys around here used to do that to control coyotes back when everyone raised hogs outside. It worked. They killed coyotes and foxes and neighbor’s dogs and crows and raccoons and an other animal that chewed on the carcass or licked around the...