HID Global - Powering Trusted Identities of the World’s People ...
Protect assets and enhance customer experiences across retail environments. HID's solutions help stores combat shrinkage, streamline operations, and enable frictionless shopping through RFID inventory tracking, secure payments, and seamless identity authentication.
Tracer et sécuriser l’identité des personnes et des objets - HID Global
Chaque jour, des millions de personnes dans plus de 100 pays utilisent les produits et les services de HID pour accéder en toute sécurité à des lieux physiques et numériques. Des milliards d’objets qui doivent être identifiés, vérifiés et …
Hacemos posible las identificaciones confiables - HID Global
HID's identity verification and access control technologies enable airports, transit systems, cruise lines, and more to enhance security and efficiency from check-in to arrival. Select an industry to learn more.
A Fonte de Identidades Confiáveis - HID Global
Protect assets and enhance customer experiences across retail environments. HID's solutions help stores combat shrinkage, streamline operations, and enable frictionless shopping through RFID inventory tracking, secure payments, and seamless identity authentication.
关于我们 | HID Global
hid 致力于提供强大的身份验证解决方案,为人们带来顺畅的访问体验。 人们利用 hid 的智能证卡、移动 id、护照甚至指纹读取器和面部识别技术,进出场所、出入境、访问数字网络、验证交易和追踪资产。
HID® Amico™ Biometric Facial Recognition Reader | Buy Now
HID Amico sets a new standard for access control with advanced facial recognition technology, combining speed, accuracy and a user-friendly experience. Designed to provide fast, secure access in offices and high-traffic areas, HID Amico is ideal for mid-sized organizations seeking a modern, contactless reader that’s easy to manage and ...
Access Control Solutions | Simple, Smart and More Secure - HID …
For decades, HID has helped millions of people easily access offices, hospitals, classrooms and more. From entry-level smart card technologies to modern solutions like HID Mobile Access, our mission is to help your organization find the best access control solution.
Access Control Solutions | Simple, Smart and More Secure - HID …
Depuis des décennies, HID permet à des millions de personnes d’avoir un accès fiable et sécurisé à leurs bureaux, hôpitaux, salles de classe et bien plus encore. Des technologies de cartes à puce entrée de gamme aux solutions modernes comme HID Mobile Access, notre mission est d’accompagner votre organisation pour trouver la ...
Drivers & Downloads - HID Global
HID Crescendo PKCS#11 Package is the HID implementation of the PKCS#11 cryptographic standard that supports the HID Crescendo family of smart cards and USB keys. The PKCS#11 library enables managing and using key...
Powering Trusted Identities - HID Global
Every day, millions of people in more than 100 countries use HID products and services to securely access physical and digital places. Billions of things that need to be identified, verified and tracked are connected through our technology.