When do we use “had had” and “have had”? [duplicate]
{ had {had unsatisfactory sex} by the time of his birthday on 20th Dec }. Using your original sentences as example Temporal displacement to present: I had my car for four years before I ever learned to drive it today. Temporal displacement to last year: I had had my car for four years before I had ever learned to drive it last year.
What does "had had" mean? How does this differ from "had"?
By the time we arrived, the party had begun. = The party began. Then we arrived. By the time we arrived, they had eaten all the food! = They ate all the food; then we arrived. I had had a bad day already, and I arrived home to find that it had been robbed! = I was having a bad day. During the day my home was robbed.
present perfect - When is it necessary to use "have had"? - English ...
2010年11月10日 · We could say we had our copy replaced five years ago, and today it looks worn out. We could say we just have had our copy replaced, and the book is as good as new. To use grammar labels, "I have had the book replaced" is the Causative in the Perfect Aspect, in the Present; "I had the book replaced" is the Causative in the Simple Aspect, in the ...
如何正确理解 had done、have done、have been doing 这 3 种时 …
过去完成进行时:By the time my girlfriend showed up, I had been working non-stop on this stupid paper for 24 hours! 到女友进门那一刻,我 !@#$%^&* 已经跟这该死的 paper 连续搏斗了整整24小时了! 现在完成进行时: Yes, I am flying high today, but I have been working like a dog for 25 years! 你只看我 ...
grammar - Use of "have had" , "had had", "has had" - English …
'He has had his breakfast'. - present perfect tense with a third person singular subject as in 'He has eaten his breakfast. 'I had had my breakfast.' - past perfect tense as in 'I had eaten my breakfast.' Here, the fist part of the verb phrases have/has and had are auxiliary and the second part had is the past participle form of the main verb have.
have somebody do something vs. have somebody doing something
But in this sentence the verb had means something like believed, perceived, recorded, claimed, or stated. The clerk said the robber was tall and blond, but another witness had the robber as being of average height with red hair. The history that the victors created claimed that the capitalists were the winners.
tenses - "has changed" or "had changed" or "was changed"?
2019年3月13日 · Let's see if this entry had changed... This is the past perfect tense, and refers to the status of the entry being different when measured at some prior unspecified point. i.e. Last time I looked, it was "24" even though before that it was "26" Let's see if this entry was changed... There are two possibilities with this wording:
Was vs had been - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2014年4月19日 · The well had been producing clean water. The well was producing clean water. The first sentence implies that the well still is producing water, but it's no longer clean for some reason. The second sentence implies that the well is no longer producing water. Of course, context is very important. Here's another example: I had been running. I was ...
grammar - When to use "I was ... " and when "I had been ...
To me, "had been" implies a change of state: The phone rang. I was asleep. (No implication of state change. Further sentences would clarify if the speaker woke up, or never heard it.) The phone rang. I had been asleep. (But I after it rang, I wasn't asleep any more.)
grammar - have worked vs had worked - English Language
"At what point did you switch jobs in 2001?" you might respond, "Well, I had worked at ABC Company for five years when I decided to move to Yemen, where I then worked for DEF Company from 2001 until 2009." Notice you followed up "had worked" with a job that took place AFTER that job was completed. If you want to answer the question