Video formats for v4l2 input device | OBS Forums
2020年8月28日 · hello everyone ive looked all over the interwebs and cant seem to find any information on yuv 4:2:2 bgr3 (emulated) yu12 (emulated) yv12 .(emulated) video types. I have a dinosaur pc that i put linux mint on and im using a cheap capture card …
No Choice for MJPEG Video Format for Any USB Camera or …
2021年1月29日 · The MJPEG option is missing from my Video Format dropdown within the Video settings. I have an option for YUYV 4:2:2, BGR3 (Emulated), YU12 (Emulated), and YV12 (Emulated). The YUYV 4:2:2 is very slow, and I am not able to get a decent framework at all. But, I am supposed to have an option...
Question / Help GOING NUTS! What Color Format Should I be …
2019年9月1日 · Hello my OBS friends, Today I just have a quick question to ask on what color format should I be using with my capture card. I use the AVerMedia 4k Capture card and i only stream console games. I do understand that in the advance tab i should always leave it at NV12 with 709/Partial. I just...
Question / Help Elgato CamLink and Linux - OBS
2018年3月20日 · info: v4l2-input: Pixelformat: YU12 (Emulated) (available) info: v4l2-input: Pixelformat: YV12 (Emulated) (available) info: v4l2-input: Stepwise and Continuous framesizes are currently hardcoded info: v4l2-input: Stepwise and Continuous framerates are currently hardcoded info: v4l2-input: Start capture from /dev/video0 info: v4l2-input: Input: 0
RGB vs YUY2 vs YV12 - Speed Demos Archive
2007年1月20日 · 1) All good lossy codecs convert to yv12 so it doesn't matter whether you record at rgb, yuy2, or yv12(do NOT record interlaced stuff in yv12)
Huappage HD PVR No video | OBS Forums
2023年11月12日 · YU12(emulated) YV12(emulated) Selecting any of these prints "error: v4l2-input: Selected video format not ...
2019年3月20日 · Decode Mode Support Some buyers are looking for capture cards that provide specific decode modes to the user. These are color compression formats (not to be confused with data compression) that affect the bandwidth required by the video feed through the device, as well as the total image quali
Video Capture Device (v4l2) plugin | Page 2 | OBS Forums
2014年8月2日 · Try using one of the Pixelformats marked as "Emulated". Those should be native MJPEG in most cases with the v4l2 userspace library converting them to something obs can handle.
No H264 option in OBS
2021年2月23日 · When selecting, eg.: "YU12 (emulated)" - the camera feed a compressed H264 stream over the USB2.0 link (no bandwidth limitation, full 30fps available) and the V4L2 decompresses it locally on the CPU and provides the requested format to OBS
Question / Help List of linux compatible capture cards - OBS
2014年9月19日 · there was YU12 and YV12 but both say unavailable. i had pastebin'd the entire terminal output while i was playing with it in OBS but apparently i forgot to paste the link to it. LOL I'm at work now so I can't provide anymore info but i know those were the other 2 formats but both say unavailable.