Welcome to Xu-Fu's Pet Guides! - Xu-Fu's Pet Battle Strategies
Welcome to Xu-Fu's Pet Guides! - Xu-Fu's Pet Battle Strategies
Battle Pet Compilation for Shadowlands - Xu-Fu's Pet Guides
2020年7月16日 · 3.3 What Xu-Fu's is Doing in Response to These Changes Link copied At the moment, we have a banner-type notification to let people know when a strategy has been tested for the Shadowlands changes:
Xu-Fu, Cub of Xuen - Xu-Fu's Pet Guides
2021年6月28日 · Xu-Fu is a reward from beating the Celestial Tournament, and can be purchased for three Celestial Coins from three completions, but is usually the chosen reward from players' first win. As befits such a noble beast, he cannot be traded like...
The Celestial Tournament - Xu-Fu's Pet Guides
2022年10月31日 · Xu-Fu can scan this section for the most suitable strategies according to your preferences and show the required pets. It is recommended to check the tables week by week since you won't have to face all 9 tamers in one run. The tool will use every pet only once due to the restriction of no healing. Active:
World Quests - Xu-Fu's Pet Guides
2022年10月31日 · Xu-Fu can scan this section for the most suitable strategies according to your preferences and show the required pets. Depending on the amount of fights in the section, this can take up to a minute to process.
Dragonflight Family Battler - Xu-Fu's Pet Guides
2024年9月23日 · Xu-Fu can scan this section for the most suitable strategies according to your preferences and show the required pets. Pick a family below to check which pets you need.
Dragonflight Pet Battle Compilation Article - Xu-Fu's Pet Guides
2022年7月15日 · This article is a running compilation for Dragonflight battle pets. The bulk of the article is for Dragonflight launch, while links to subsequent patches will be at the top. I want to say a big thank you to the people who helped make this...
Xu-Fu Strategy vs. The Master of Pets - Xu-Fu's Pet Guides
Strategy by Berendain vs. The Master of Pets using: Mechanical Axebeak (111), Any Level 1+ Pet and Sprite Darter Hatchling (221).
Xu-Fu Strategy vs. The Power of Friendship - Xu-Fu's Pet Guides
2024年8月25日 · World of Warcraft Pet Battle guides - your one-stop place for strategies to beat all WoW pet battle quests, achievements and opponents!
Xu-Fu Strategy vs. Swog the Elder - Xu-Fu's Pet Guides
2022年12月19日 · Strategy by Quintette vs. Swog the Elder using: Qiraji Guardling (121), Harpy Youngling (212) and Flayer Youngling (121).