Electromagnetic flow meter - YFM-4800 - Xi'an Yunyi
Find out all of the information about the Xi'an Yunyi Instrument Co., Ltd. product: electromagnetic flow meter YFM-4800 . Contact a supplier or the parent company directly to get a quote or to find out a price or your closest point of sale.
YUNYI flow meters electromagnetic - Yunyi Instrument
YFM Smart electromagnetic flow meter is a high-performance, high-reliability flow meter. lt used to measure thevolume flow of conductive liquid and slurry in closed pipelines. Widely used in steel, electricity, petroleum, chemicaindustry, coal, metallurgy, papermaking, water supply and drainage, food, pharmaceutical industry, etc.
电磁流量计 - YFM-4800 - Xi'an Yunyi Instrument Co., Ltd. - 红外线 …
YFM 智能电磁流量计是一种高性能、高可靠性的流量计,用于测量封闭管道中导电液体和浆体的体积流量。 广泛应用于钢铁、电力、石油、化工、煤炭、冶金、造纸、给排水、食品、制药等行业。 特点 1.测量不受流体密度、粘度、温度、压力和电导率的影响。 2.测量管内无障碍,无压力损失,对直管段要求低。 LCD 背光型转换器在阳光下或暗室中均可轻松显示和读取。 3.在恶劣环境下,可通过红外触摸按钮设置参数,而无需打开转换器的盖子(需要定制)。 4.流量计配有双向 …
全部频道有声作品在线收听_热门音频节目推荐 – 喜马拉雅
Infrared flow meter YFM-4800 - Xi'an Yunyi Instrument Co., Ltd.
Consult Xi'an Yunyi Instrument Co., Ltd.'s entire Infrared flow meter YFM-4800 catalogue on DirectIndustry. Page: 1/21
Electromagnetic flow meter YFM3800 - Xi'an Yunyi
Consult Xi'an Yunyi Instrument Co., Ltd.'s Electromagnetic flow meter YFM3800 brochure on DirectIndustry. Page: 1/3
Xi'an Yunyi Instrument Co., Ltd. - PDF Catalogs - DirectIndustry
Consult Xi'an Yunyi Instrument Co., Ltd.'s entire YFM4800E catalogue on DirectIndustry. Page: 1/14
有氟密集团 | 氟化工流体装置解决方案专家 有氟密集团 —— 官方 …
YFM-4800 - Xi'an Yunyi Instrument Co., Ltd. - DirectIndustry
YFM スマート電磁流量計は、高性能、高信頼性流量計です。 密閉パイプラインで導電性液体やスラリーの体積流量を測定するために使用されます。 鉄鋼、電気、石油、化学工業、石炭、冶金、製紙、給排水、食品、製薬業界などで広く使用されています。 特徴 1.流体の密度、粘度、温度、圧力、伝導率の影響を受けません。 2.測定管に障害物がなく、圧力損失がなく、直管部の要件が低い。 LCDバックライト式変換器は、太陽や暗い部屋でも簡単に表示し、読み取ること …
Manufacturer of industrial Lined valves, Pipe Fittings & PTFE …
Founded in 1989, YOUFUMI employs over 700 people and operates R&D and production bases in Wenzhou and Fuding, covering over 200 acres with more than 150,000 square meters of facilities. We specialize in lined valves, pipelines, and fittings for corrosive fluids across industries like petroleum, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and more.