military - Did the XF-84H Thunderscreech really cause "900 sonic …
2015年10月7日 · The Republic XF-84H, known as the "Thunderscreech" was an experimental version of the F-84F Thunderstreak. It was intended to be a supersonic turboprop fighter. Even at idle, the prop tips rotated at supersonic speeds and the plane is often claimed to be the loudest ever built, supposedly audible 25 miles away.
What are the aerodynamic design principles behind the …
The leading edge of the C-309 propellers is both forward-swept and twisted in a circular fashion, given the propeller blades a helical appearance. This is a very different approach from real-world supersonic propellers found in e.g. the Republic XF-84H Thunderscreech.
commercial aviation - Can turboprop blades break the sound …
2015年10月5日 · $\begingroup$ "In one report, a Republic engineer suffered a seizure after close range exposure to the shock waves emanating from a powered-up XF-84H. The pervasive noise also severely disrupted operations in the Edwards AFB control tower by risking vibration damage to sensitive components and forcing air traffic personnel to communicate with ...
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2024年4月26日 · The XF-84H Thunderscreech One of the fastest propeller planes ever built. 5 Likes. BillyBobDa3rd April 26, ...
aircraft design - What fighters have both 1 & 2 engine versions ...
2018年1月10日 · Its mutant offspring, the Republic XF-84H "Thunderscreech" was a experimental turboprop fighter, powered by an experimental Allison T40 engine, which consisted of two Allison T38 engines, joined through a common gearbox. This was a twin-engine aircraft from the maintenance point of view, since there were two sets of turbo-machinery to go wrong.
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2024年4月26日 · All of the Jeeps and equivalent with recoilless rifles please. UAZ 469 with SPG-9 for USSR and East Germany, Land Rover with WOMBAT for Britain, and everything in between. There’s also the option of the Strv K, a proposal to put the Strv 101 turret on the KRV hull. Since Sweden had all of the component parts on hand, that’d be the same situation as the E-100. …
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2024年4月26日 · All of the Jeeps and equivalent with recoilless rifles please. UAZ 469 with SPG-9 for USSR and East Germany, Land Rover with WOMBAT for Britain, and everything in between. There’s also the option of the Strv K, a proposal to put the Strv 101 turret on the KRV hull. Since Sweden had all of the component parts on hand, that’d be the same situation as the E-100. …
Can propeller driven aircraft sustain speeds at or above Mach 1?
The fastest propeller-driven aircraft is either the turboprop-powered TU-114 with a measured top speed of Mach 0.73 or the turboprop-powered XF-84H "Thunderscreech" with a design top speed of Mach 0.9 and an actual top speed of either Mach 0.83 or Mach 0.7 (sources disagree). The latter is an indication of why supersonic propeller-driven ...
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2024年4月11日 · Got it confused with the XF-84H. 2 Likes. ZendikarHaven April 11, 2024, 1:03pm 4172. The XF-85 would be ...
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2024年4月11日 · Got it confused with the XF-84H. 2 Likes. ZendikarHaven April 11, 2024, 1:03pm 4172. The XF-85 would be ...