How to import a group of layers from a XCF to another XCF in GIMP?
2020年10月25日 · Open both XCF files. In the XCF with the layer group, click and drag the layer group from the layers panel onto the other image tab along the top (do not release the mouse …
How to reduce enormous GIMP (XCF) file size for simple photo …
When you save the file as XCF, ie GIMP's native file format, it is an uncompressed format, so the file size will be much bigger than a JPEG. The same thing happens if you open a JPEG in …
Export a PSD Photoshop file to a format editable in GIMP
But you could replace those text layers in GIMP with editable text layers. This would obviously mean retyping them or copy and pasting the text from Photoshop into GIMP, reformatting the …
How to create mock ups in GIMP using templates like PSD in …
2019年2月2日 · Yes. GIMP's native file format is XCF. It's the format you should use to save your original work for future editability (whether it's being used as a template or not). It's a lossless …
Is there websites where I can get XCF resources for GIMP (similar …
2023年9月19日 · I don't know of any stock image sites that offer native GIMP XCF files, probably because Photoshop doesn't support the format at all. However most existing stock image sites …
GIMP 2.10.24 : Modify or remove selection's border after closing …
2021年8月16日 · With GIMP, I want to draw a rectangle so I follow the documentation: 14.2. Creating a Basic Shape. I get the expected result. Then I close the *.xcf file and re-open it. …
GIMP Commands History per Layer in the XCF?
Have a GIMP .xcf file with a few layers that was created some time ago. One of these layers was initially a text layer, but the text image itself has been processed at the time. And when I click …
Saving work flow for print, web, original scan files in GIMP
2021年10月12日 · When you need to output for the web or whatever, open the XCF, then resize/rescale as necessary, and export as jpeg/png etc. Don't overwrite the original XCF with …
photoshop scripting - I need to apply actions (a series of repetitive ...
2022年11月26日 · I have an xcf file that is comprised of a series of layers. The first layer, called "background" holds an image that will be manipulated by the script. The other layers named …
Gimp: export XCF as a list of commands?
The GIMP "raw" files are created as XCF. If I look inside (using Emacs), while it's a binary file, I can distinctly see a text command, like (fgcolor (color-rgba 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 …